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Rishabh's Pov

The air in the room felt thick with unspoken words and a strange sense of foreboding. I'd already changed into my comfortable clothes, feeling the familiar ache of guilt settle in my stomach. I knew I'd been a jerk to Aradhana, my anger flaring up over past issues that had nothing to do with her. It was my baggage, my trust issues, and I'd unloaded it on her.

The door creaked open, and Aradhana entered, her eyes downcast. I told her to come to the bed, the words escaping before I could think. She lay down beside me, her body stiff and her breath shallow. A strange relief washed over me. I felt the weight of my guilt lessen, replaced by a desperate yearning to make things right.

'Can I hug you?' I asked with barely a whisper. My mind raced, replaying the possible scenarios. Would she hesitate? Would she say no? I knew I had to try. 'It's okay, you don't have to say anything,' I mumbled, my voice cracking with fear and hope.

Then, in a flash, she moved. Her arms wrapped around me, her warmth seeping into my cold skin. I was surprised, almost stunned. It felt so right and so comforting. It was like someone had stitched together the pieces of my broken mind, body, and soul. I held her tight, the scent of her hair, the feel of her heartbeat against my chest, a balm for the wounds I had inflicted.

'Good night,' I whispered, my voice thick with emotion. We both drifted off to sleep, the weight of the past fading into the background.

I woke up to the morning sun streaming through the window, and there she was, asleep on my chest, her arms still wrapped around me, her face peaceful. My heart ached with a new kind of warmth, a love that felt both familiar and newfound. The feeling was so powerful that I just stood there, watching her sleep, mesmerized by the beauty of her face.

Finally, I had to break away. I tiptoed out of bed, careful not to disturb her, and headed to the bathroom. I needed to wash away the sleepiness, the fatigue, and the residue of the past. I returned to the room; my body was refreshed, but my mind was still caught in the beauty of that moment. She was still asleep, her soft snores a symphony to my ears.

I went to the kitchen, my steps light, my mind buzzing with plans to make things right. I had already ordered the ingredients for breakfast, a simple yet delicious meal, to show her how much I cared. I began cooking, the rhythmic clatter of utensils a comforting counterpoint to the quiet hum of the morning. My plan was not just to make breakfast, but to make her forget and rebuild what I had broken. I had to show her that I wanted to be with her, to make her happy.

Aradhana's Pov

The morning sun filtering through the blinds woke me up, and for a moment, I reveled in the warmth. The memory of last night's hug, lingering like a phantom embrace, made my heart sing. I was alone in the room, and a smile bloomed on my face. 'A perfect start,' I thought, 'a perfect start to a perfect day.'

I headed to the bathroom, eager to freshen up and get ready for the day. As I stepped out of the shower, I saw a fresh set of clothes laid out for me on the counter. The delicate floral pattern of the sweetheart puff-sleeve top and the relaxed feel of the straight-leg jeans whispered of his thoughtfulness. I dressed quickly, my mind already buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead.

 I dressed quickly, my mind already buzzing with anticipation for the day ahead

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