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I thought I could grasp it. But I couldn't, not really.

It was a Friday night and of course my outgoing best friend Stephanie (Steph for short) dragged me out to one of these concerts in the park.

Steph was always really energetic and peppy as we grew up together. I was more of a shy, introverted person. I never wanted to open up because I knew when I did, I would be vulnerable to that person and I never wanted to be in the state of being vulnerable.

Steph was of course the only real friend I had. Sure I had classmates and co workers but I would never tell them anything near to what I tell Stephanie.

So on this Friday night, it marks exactly a semester of Steph and I being in Uni together! She would always complain and attempt to drag me out of our little loft to go party with her but I always declined.

Tonight was different though. I felt as if I have earned a celebration. I passed all my classes with A's and one B! Plus Stephanie always tells me about how awesome these concerts are and that the boys in all of the bands actually attend our University.

So this brings us to where I am now, alone in the middle of the park listening whichever band that is currently playing.

I should've known Stephanie was going to leave me as soon as we got there. That's something she always does. The downside to being her friend is that she's so popular and has so many friends that she tends to get caught up with them and runs off with them, completely unaware of that I am still with her.

I love music and so far every band that has played has been more than amazing. So I wasn't exactly complaining, but it would be nice to have my friend by my side so I didn't look like a complete loaner.

By this time the sun has already set and there were Christmas lights lighting the entire stage and some trees that were in the park. I couldn't help but close my eyes and drift off into pure bliss. The lights were twinkling and the music was soothing. I felt completely at ease.

"It's nice isn't it?" I heard a low raspy voice say.

His voice caused me to jump a bit, unaware that someone else was with me and watching me.

"W-what's nice?" I ask trying my best not to sound shocked or nervous even though I'm screaming on the inside.

"Everything, the people, the music, the drugs, you."

"Me? You don't know me." I was taken back by his words and I probably sounded a lot more rude than I intended.

"You're absolutely correct. But I do know that when I was watching you with your eyes closed swaying to the music, as the way your lips curved into a small smile and your hair bounced up and down, I came to a conclusion with myself that you are as well great." He said with a smirk

I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and my heart start beating at a ridiculously fast pace.

"Who are you?" I said, not believing that the words I was thinking just came out of my mouth like that.

He did this deep chuckle type thing "Haha, my name is Matty, what's yours lovely?"

"I'm Stella." I said, boring into his deep brown eyes.

"Well Stell, this is the first time I've seen you at one of these shows. You should defiantly come more often so I could see that adorable shade of pink your cheeks get when someone compliments you." He said with a devilish grin.

And then it happened again, my cheeks were the pink color he was talking about and I looked like an idiot.

"Don't be shy love, it's only me. But right now I have to get going. I expect you to be at the show tomorrow night at my mate Alex's house." And with that he slipped a piece of paper with Alex's address and his number into my pocket before quickly kissing my cheek and running off.

What the fuck just happened? All I got from this is that his name was Matty and he obviously goes to my university.

He was sweet and I was so mad at myself for being shy and acting all weird like the way I did. I wish I said something to get his attention before he left.

"So who was that mystery guy?!" Stephanie says out of breath from running across the park to come to me

"Um, well, his name is Matty."


"And what?" I ask in confusion

"What did he want? What did he say? Is he secretly your boyfriend?" Stephanie asks overly excited

I loved Stephanie to death but she constantly got super excited when a boy would talk to me. I would introduce the boy to Stephanie and then he would go after Stephanie and not me. But who could blame them? She's your typical tall, blonde, small waist, big boobs, and popular girl.

I on the other hand was short, like 5'3, I had long blonde hair, light brown eyes and my ass a thighs were a bit bigger than I wanted them to be.

"Steph, he's not my boyfriend you're crazy. He just saw me listening to the music with my eyes closed and then I don't know he started talking to me."

"Well what does he look like? Because I only saw the back of him and from what I saw he's kinda tall and wears black but that's it." Steph said

Just as Stephanie finished her sentence, all of the Christmas lights lighting up the stage and the trees went off and a small, but very bright rectangle lot the stage.

A lot of the people in the crowd rushed for the front and started getting jumpy. Some of the girls even started screaming with eagerness for the band to start playing.

"Ooooh!!! This must be that one band that everyone talks about! My friends' say they're sooo good and they're all really fit. I hear they go to Manchester as well!" Steph says with bright eyes and a big smile

"Hello." the voice in the microphone chuckles and for a second I thought I've heard that voice somewhere before.

"I'm Matty, and we are the 1975."

"Holy shit." I say aloud.

"I know he's SO cute!" Steph screams

"Steph?" I ask

"Yeah Stella?"

"You wanted to know what mystery guy looked like... well that's him."

Big Eyes And Rosy Cheeks (A Matty Healy Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now