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“Aye Riverwater! That was some party last night cuz,” our football team’s wide receiver and my best friend, Iron Eyes, said as he slapped me on the back.

“I know! It was sick,” I agreed as I watched three girls walk by our group that consisted of football, basketball, baseball, and lacrosse players.

After going to a locker that wasn’t too far away from where we were standing, the girls came walking towards us, and our baseball team’s first baseman, Two Feathers, nudged me, and whispered, “Dude! Sequoyah‘s coming over here and she‘s got her eyes set on you!”

I chuckled lowly as my eyes wandered up and down her and replied, “Well, I can say the same thing for her.”

The guys laughed at my remark and quieted down as the girls finally made it over to us.

“Hey guys, you know my friends Kaya and Aponi, right?,” Sequoyah asked as her eyes scanned up and down my body.

I smirked at her as her eyes finally connected back with mine, not shocked that she hadn’t been embarrassed at being caught.

“Yeah, me and Iron Eyes got to know them really good last night at the party,” one of our lacrosse team’s attackers said as he fist bumped Iron Eyes.

I looked at the two girls and they glared at the guys with disgusted looks.

“Oh come on girls! You weren‘t making those faces last night!,” Running Horse, the lacrosse attacker, said as he winked at them.

“Shut up!,” the girls squealed getting angry.

“Chill out guys. Leave them alone,” I said as I chuckled along with the guys.

“Aw, don‘t ruin our fun Riverwater! We all know what you and Sequoyah did last night when you two walked off by yourself!,” Two Feathers said as the guys roared with laughter.

When we finally stopped laughing, and we turned our attention back on the girls, all three of them looked like they were going to explode at our little outburst of laughter.

“Oh calm down. Don’t get your panties in a bunch! We were just joking. You don’t have to take everything so seriously. And besides, the whole school knows that all three of you will put out to any of the guys on any of the sports teams, so why are you getting mad?,” I asked with a small smirk on my face.

The girls eyes went wide with shock at what I just said, and when it sunk in, they let out a string of profanities in English and then fussed us out again in Navajo.

When they finally took a break to catch their breath, I raised an eyebrow and asked, “Are you done now? Because I‘m through listening.” With that, I walked away towards my first period with the guys following right behind me.

When I sat down in my seat in first period, my best friend Iron Eyes, sat down beside me.

Dude, Sequoyah‘s going to be pissed at you forever! And Kaya and Aponi more than likely won‘t be putting out to me and Running Horse anymore!,” he whined.

I rolled my eyes and replied, “Like you or Running Horse can stick to one girl for long, anyway.”

Iron Eyes chuckled and with a shrug said, “Hey, it doesn‘t hurt to play the field. After all, that‘s what all football players are good at. And you don‘t have room to talk, Riverwater.”

I shrugged and said with a smirk, “Well, the girls certainly don‘t complain.”

Iron Eyes nodded and added, “Rez girls, man. Gotta love 'em!”

With that, we turned around to face our Physics teacher, Mr. Silvertooth as he began class.

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