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"Iori please say something." You sighed as you stared at her across from you.

"I...I don't know what to say...you're getting married tomorrow and you're just now telling me?? Since when were you and Satoru even dating?! How did I miss this?!" She questioned eagerly and you didn't even know where to start but you told her everything from the beginning to now.

"Wow...and you're really marrying him? This isn't a joke, right?"

"No, it's not. Technically we're already legally married, I signed the marriage license...I want you to be my maid of honor, if you think you can make it." You asked her, you bit the inside of your cheek thinking that she was going to judge you for marrying him and flip out for even asking her on such short notice.

"Are you serious?! Of course, I can make it, it's my best friend's wedding!" She said excitedly, more excitedly than you thought she'd be for you.

"Well, I'm glad you're coming because I don't think Carlos is." You said to her while looking down at the latte in front of you.

"What? Carlos said he wasn't coming??"

"Well he didn't say he wasn't but when Satoru told him about the marriage, we even lied and said it was fake, he stormed out and didn't say anything." You told her and she got quiet for a moment.

"I'm sorry y/n. I hope he comes around, I really do."

"It's okay...at least you'll be there. I have your dress, it's in the car." You said and forced yourself to smile instead of frown at the thought of your brother.

You looked over to the bodyguard that Satoru had assigned to you, you didn't understand why he was so insistent on it after your upcoming marriage was publicly announced just yesterday.

"I'm going to go get her dress from the car." You announced and stood up.

He nodded his head and followed you back to the car where the driver was waiting for you, he opened the door for you and you reached inside and grabbed the box that held the dress inside. It was wrapped all nicely with lace over the box and a bow, the dress color you chose for her was a pale blue to match Satoru's best man colors, he said they'd all be wearing a light blue tie.

The driver shut the door after you and you walked back towards the cafe to your seat outside with Iori. Before you could even sit down and hand her the box, she hugged you tightly.

"I'm so happy for you! You'll get to do what you've always wanted to do with art." She said with her arms around you tightly and you smiled.

"The only unfortunate part is being legally tied to that man-child," she joked as you handed her the box, and even though she was right, you didn't seem to find annoyance in that fact. He'd been at work for nearly the entire week, preparing for his work trip he'd be leaving for a day after the wedding. You didn't have any complaints, it's not like he was really supposed to act like your husband unless it was for publicity.



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