Chapter 7

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He pulled away but then placed his forehead on mine , I liked it but I knew it was wrong . I had to do something. he realised I was worried " I'm so sorry I don't know what got in to me I'm so sorry I'm gonna go now " he said quickly , I stood up and grabbed his arm " I liked it " I said looking down . " Wait what ? " He asked confused " I said I liked it but I'm still so confused because I promised my self not to do this cause I knew  you would probably just wanted to have sex with me then leave and tell everyone , I can't have that I have respect for my self unlike most girls." I said staring looking at him but then looked away . " I.... i didn't know you thought that , I know i come across as a cocky prick who fucks girls with no interest in them but  pleasure . but when people say things about me it can hurt at times because I'm human but I was raised to be strong ." he said " this to me is all weird just to even be in your house yet kiss you and the most fucked up thing is that I felt something that I never felt before , but I know that this'll never work because you think I'm the worst person , maybe I am . so I might aswell forget this happened  and I'll just leave good bye " he spoke what he felt.

Before I could say anything he was already out the door. I felt like I couldn't move or feel anything he left me speech less, I didn't want him to think I hated him but i didn't want to give him high hopes so I couldn't do anything. I didn't bother to clean up so I turned everything up set the alarms , locked everything an headed up stairs .

I brushed my teeth , changed in to my pjs , put my hair up in a bun . I decided to have a shower in the morning . I curled up in my bed with my fave teddy bear Dallas ( don't judge it's cuddly ) and closed my eyes trying to sleep but my mind went to Justin and what he said , after a few mins of thinking I slowly drifted to sleep tommorow was gonna be an exciting day right ? ......No I don't think so.


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