× Prologue ×

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"A girl in our group?!" The guy with a pair of eyes that looked like they were the arms of the clock stating it's already 10:10 o' clock exclaimed, looking at me along with the other guys with a surprised look.

"Are you sure PD-nim?" The fluffy-looking guy looked at PD-nim who just grinned and nodded his head.

"But, she's a girl!" The eldest looking one complained, I quickly sent a glare towards him and our death glare contest begun.

I hate getting underestimated. That's why I freaking hate to be with guys like him. And I'm even going to live with him. Ugh just help me. I even spent my precious time to beg them to let me in a boy group but now I get an annoying boy as my groupmate. Great. Just great.

"I swear you'll be sleeping with an acoustic guitar around your neck as your necklace." I spat, I wanted to hit where he will completely lose his future but PD-nim was stopping me.

"Now, now. Stop your childish acts and introduce yourselves. Get along well, alright? I'll leave you kids here. Don't start fighting, okay?" The boys responded with an 'okay' and we watched the PD-nim leave.

Welp, awkward.

"I'm Jung Ai. I'm your new and first girl in the group. Please take care of me." I bowed politely, I managed to show off a small smile towards then and they started to introduce themselves other than that old guy.

"I'm Samuel! Let's get along well!" The small guy bowed and smiled at me.

"I'm Jisoo, nice to meet you." The guys who strangely looked like my best friend Tao, said and also flashed a smile.

The introduction continued on and down until goes to the last member. That rude guy who I'm starting to hate. I stared at him, he was not making any move to introduce himself to me.

"How old are you, Ai?" The kid Hansol asked.

"13." I simply answered. I looked back at the rude guy, sending daggers of glares at his back.

"That guy is Choi Seungcheol, the oldest one in the group." As I remember, it was Mingyu who told me that.

"Nice to meet you, Seungcheol. Sorry we got off in a wrong boat." I said very informally, it triggered his irritation that made him stand up and face me. We looked at each other until he gave up with a defeated sigh.

"I'm sorry also. Anyway, I'll introduce myself more properly. I'm Choi Seungcheol, the oldest in the group. Nice to meet you." He smiled slightly. "We can't act angry towards each other since we're gonna stay together for a long time."

"Agreed!" Soonyoung said, raising his hand up high.

"Besides, I won't be able to stay angry at our new and only female member." I smirked at what Seungcheol just said and chuckled.


We're gonna stay here together...

For a long time...

Oh hell no!

I looked at the dweebs who were starting to play with each other in their dorkiest and weirdest way, it's adorable, but I'm gonna spend almost half of my life with these dorks?

I have to deal with them for a long time?!

PD-nim save me!!!

I could practically hear PD-nim laughing at me and the other members saying 'There's no escape' for a million times inside my mind.

Am I even going to survive?!

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