[Rapidly Approaching Monkey Noises]

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I was still grappling with my current situation as I began following the stream toward who knows where. My strides were long and unsteady, and I occasionally had to grab onto a nearby tree to keep myself from tipping over and smashing my newly phone-head open on the ground.

My thoughts continued to run rampant. Was I really conscious? Was I in a coma? Why did I hear gunshots right before I blacked out? Did Violet get gunned down along with me, and I was reincarnated in the arcade machine? If so, is she in here with me? Maybe it was just an act of divine intervention. Actually, no, that was stupid.

The sounds of the brook thankfully muted most of my less sane thoughts, but they couldn't silence my worries about what I was going to do when night fell. For all I knew, there could be monsters that come out at night in this strange reality I have found myself in. Or worse, some eldritch creatures or shadow clouds. I made a vague plan that involved maybe climbing a tree and tying myself to a branch to prevent falling out of it- Hunger Games style. At least then I would be safe from most predators.

Speaking of the Hunger Games, I was beginning to get a little peckish. Hauling my own head around on my shoulders had proven to be quite the workout, and that along with hiking through the forest had caused me to begin working up an appetite. But I don't eat a ton, so it shouldn't have been hard to track something down.

...It was, in fact, hard to track something down. I only wound up finding a small bush of red berries. I couldn't tell if they were poison berries or not, but I decided to have a go at eating them anyway. I know, stupid. But I came across a problem: I had no mouth. I didn't even know if I could eat. If I could eat, then I didn't know how. I supposed I would have to go hungry until I figured out how to eat things with a phone for a head. I shoved the berries into my pocket for safekeeping. Yes, gross.

Eventually, the sun completely disappeared below the horizon, and I felt my anxiety spike. I really didn't like the dark- I had like six different night lights in my bedroom back home. Oh, how I longed for the sight of my delicious night lights. I debated starting a fire, but if there was one thing I've learned from horror movies and games with forest settings, it's that fires attract bad guys. So I supposed I was stuck with my crippling terror of the dark for the night.

I glanced around, squinting as best as I could to adjust my eyes- optical sensors?-- to the darkness and approached one of the strangely pink-tinted trees. I felt around for any handholds before carefully climbing the length of the tree. It was significantly more difficult to do so than it was back home- mainly because of the several pounds of phone strapped to my head!

I made it to a rather sturdy branch and slung my leg over it, effectively seating myself and leaning my back against the trunk. I sighed in a mixture of relief and exasperation while I processed the day's events. My head was a phone, I probably died in a museum robbery, and now I was in a seemingly alternate universe with no friendly faces or society in sight. On top of that, I was probably about to die in these pink-tinted woods! That was somehow worse than dying in regular-tinted woods.

Even worse, I was bored. I didn't have any sketchbooks or pencils with me, nor did I have my phone- my cell phone- so I couldn't lose myself in Flappy Bird for hours until I felt tired enough to somehow doze off in this tree. I supposed I would just have to use my thoughts to entertain myself until I was tired. It was too dark and I didn't know enough about the area to keep traveling at night.

I'm not sure exactly how much time passed. It could have been hours, minutes, maybe only a few seconds. The moon didn't tell me much. I was just grateful for the fact that there even was a moon in this universe. Regardless, after an indeterminate amount of time, I began hearing noises. What sounded like several sets of footsteps and... squawking? Like... of birds. Hey, at least I knew birds existed. Maybe I could hunt them down for, like... makeshift wings or something.

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