Chapter nineteen: The test of the Crystal Sage

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After defeating the Komar, Keith and Shiro got a new power from the Komar, at the underground resistance, Adam was in a meeting with Sokka and the others to figure out their next plans.

"The situation is critical," Adam says, his voice echoing in the dimly lit chamber. "The Komar's destruction is a major blow to Honerva, but we can't rest easy. We need a new plan, a way to strike back before she retaliates."

Sokka, ever the strategist, leans forward. "Have you heard anything from Shiro and Keith? Their success against the Komar could be a game-changer"

"No, but I've heard that they were with Scoin and the Crystal Gems." Adam said.

"Crystal Gems? I heard that there were problems in the East." Kolivan said.

"Yes, Olion and the Crystal Gems Council have been struggling in the front lines." Adam said.

"Are you sure we can let them join us?" Romelle asked.

"No, I tried but they need to handle things on their own but they are willing to help us fight against Honerva." Adam said.

Romelle frowns. "But aren't they known for their... unorthodox methods? Partnering with them could be risky."

Sokka leans back in his chair, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe. But desperate times call for desperate measures. If they're willing to fight Honerva, that's something we can't ignore."

Herschel, ever the optimist, chimes in. "Maybe they have intel or resources we don't! Having another group on our side could tip the scales in our favor."

Adam raises a hand, silencing the murmurs. "Look, I know the Crystal Gems have their own way of doing things, but right now, we need a united front. We can discuss past differences later. Right now, our focus is on bringing down Honerva."

The holographic device crackles to life, revealing Shiro and Keith. They explain their experiences with the Komar's residual energy, detailing the strange sensations and newfound power coursing through them.

"Adam," Shiro begins, his voice hoarse but steady. "We've defeated the Komar, but things are... different. We've both gained a strange new power from the artifact."

A collective gasp ripples through the dimly lit chamber in the resistance base. The Komar, once a symbol of Honerva's power, has now bestowed something unknown upon their champions.

Sokka, ever the strategist, leans forward, his brow furrowed in curiosity. "Can you elaborate on this 'new power,' Shiro? What exactly are you experiencing?"

Keith takes a step forward, his posture radiating a newfound confidence that wasn't there before. "It's hard to explain," he admits. "When I used it it felt like an out of control power and what's even worse it burned my hands."

A hush falls over the resistance base. The initial awe at Shiro and Keith's newfound power is replaced by a sense of unease. Keith's description of the power feeling "out of control" and burning his hands highlights the potential dangers.

Adam, ever the leader, steps forward. "That's concerning, Keith. It seems this power comes with a price. Can you tell us more about this burning sensation?"

Keith winces, rubbing his hands subconsciously. "It's like... channeling pure energy. It amplifies my strength and reflexes, but at the same time, it feels like it's scorching me from the inside out. It's hard to maintain control for very long."

Shiro nods in agreement. "I felt it too. This power is exhilarating, but it also feels like a wild beast straining at the leash."

Kolivan strokes his beard thoughtfully. "The Komar was a chaotic artifact. Perhaps this residual energy is inherently unstable. We need to understand the source of this burning sensation before you can truly utilize this power."

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