Chapter Twenty-five: Reflections of Despair

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The next morning, heavy with the weight of their recent victory and the loss of Allura, the team decided to take a break from being soldiers in the war.

They gathered at the edge of a serene lake, its tranquil waters reflecting the somber mood that had settled over them. The usual banter and jests were absent, replaced by a contemplative silence.

Pidge, her usually bright eyes dull with grief, traced a pattern in the dew-kissed grass with her boot. "It doesn't feel real," she mumbled, her voice barely a whisper.

Hunk, his broad shoulders slumped under the weight of their loss, sighed deeply. "Yeah, it feels like just yesterday we were..." He trailed off, the memory of Allura too painful to voice.

Lance, ever the optimist, attempted a weak joke, his voice cracking at the end. "Well, at least we finally got some peace and quiet, right? No more cackling villains or monstrous robots trying to blow us up for a change."

A hollow silence followed his attempt at humor. Keith, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon, clenched his jaw. The playful banter they once shared felt like a distant echo, a relic of a life before loss.

Shiro, his voice strained but resolute, spoke up. "We can't stay here forever. Allura wouldn't want us to wallow in grief. We have to keep moving forward."

Pidge shot him a look, a flicker of defiance in her eyes. "But how can we move forward without... without her?"

Shiro met her gaze, a well of unspoken grief reflected in his own eyes. "We carry her memory with us," he said softly. "Her bravery, her kindness... that's what will guide us in the days to come."

A heavy silence settled once more, broken only by the mournful cry of a lone bird in the distance. The tranquility of the lake mocked their internal turmoil. As they stood there, lost in their thoughts, a sudden flicker of light, faint but unmistakable, pierced the morning mist. It seemed to originate from a point deep within the forest bordering the lake.

"Hey." Roman said.

"Hey, Roman." Shiro said.

"I heard what happened on your mission, I'm sorry about what happened to Allura." Roman said.

"Well she was never going to make it especially with her body being...made from graveyard soil." Keith said.

"Keith." Shiro said, then turned to Roman and explained, "We're all still processing everything."

"Ok, anyway we've been searching for some activity lately so far we haven't found anything ever since what happened to Honerva." Roman said.

Pidge's eyes narrowed. "Interesting timing, Roman. Did you just happen to stumble upon us here, or is there something else you're not telling us?"

Roman said. "Just looking out for my best team. But hey, there have been rumors of strange lights emanating from this forest for centuries. Maybe they're finally acting up again. Anyway, we've been searching for some activity lately, so far we haven't found anything ever since what happened to Honerva."

Shiro said. "A light... could it be another enemy?"

Hunk said. "Just what we need, right after Allura..."

Keith stands up, a flicker of determination in his eyes. "We can't ignore it. We have to check it out."

Lance said. "Agreed. Who knows what kind of trouble we might be walking into?"

A heavy silence descends as the Paladins contemplate their next move. Grief still hangs in the air, but a new sense of purpose starts to glimmer in their eyes. With a shared nod, they decide to venture deeper into the forest, towards the source of the mysterious light. The tranquil lake shimmers behind them, a stark contrast to the darkness that awaits.

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