Chapter thirty-four: Shiro' inner darkness

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After returning back to the resistance, Shiro's eyes are filled with determination as he tends to Keith's wound, his hands moving with a sense of urgency. "We need to get the infection out of him, Sokka. We can't let it spread," Shiro says, his voice firm.

Sokka nods, his face set in a serious expression. "I'll get the herbs, Shiro. We'll make a poultice to draw out the infection."

Meanwhile, Lance, Hunk, and Pidge hover anxiously nearby, their faces etched with worry. "Is he going to be okay, Shiro?" Lance asks, his voice laced with fear.

Shiro's gaze never leaves Keith's face as he works to clean the wound. "He'll be fine, Lance. I won't let anything happen to him."

Hunk's eyes are wide with concern. "But what if the infection is too far gone? What if he...?"

Shiro's jaw sets in a firm line. "He won't die, Hunk. I promise. Keith is strong, and we'll get through this together."

Pidge's voice is barely above a whisper. "But what if...what if it's too late?"

Shiro's eyes flash with determination. "It's not too late. I won't let it be too late."

As Sokka returns with the herbs, Shiro begins to apply the poultice to Keith's wound, his hands moving with a sense of purpose. "We'll get through this, Keith. I promise."

As the tension between the Galra and Rebel soldiers escalates, a group of Galra soldiers, led by a fierce and vengeful commander, sets out to track down and eliminate the Rebel soldiers responsible for killing their comrades.

Meanwhile, a team of Rebel soldiers, fueled by their own anger and desire for revenge, sets out to hunt down the Galra soldiers who have slain their friends and brothers.

Adam's voice thunders across the room, his eyes blazing with authority. "Enough! This is neither the time nor the place for revenge. Nothing will change what's happened. Your comrades are gone, and more bloodshed won't bring them back."

The soldiers pause, their anger and grief momentarily stunned into silence. Adam's words strike a chord, and they realize the futility of their actions.

A Galra soldier steps forward, his face twisted in pain. "But they killed our brothers, our friends. They deserve to pay."

Adam's expression is firm but compassionate. "I know your pain. I've lost friends too. But revenge won't ease your suffering. It will only perpetuate the cycle of violence and hatred."

A Rebel soldier nods, tears streaming down her face. "Adam's right. We've lost so much already. Let's not lose ourselves too."

Slowly, the soldiers nod in agreement, their anger and desire for revenge slowly giving way to a sense of sorrow and loss. Adam's words have struck a chord, and they begin to see that there's a bigger picture, a larger purpose than mere revenge.

Together, they begin to tend to the wounded, to mourn the fallen, and to work towards a future where such senseless violence is never repeated. Adam's leadership and wisdom have turned a moment of blind revenge into a moment of healing and hope.

As the soldiers begin to talk to each other, Adam's words continue to resonate with them. They realize that their thirst for revenge has only led to more suffering and that it's time to break the cycle of violence.

The Galra commander, whose anger and desire for revenge had driven him to seek out the Rebel soldiers, approaches Adam. "You're right, Adam," he says, his voice heavy with regret. "I was consumed by my own pain and anger. I forgot that we're not just fighting for our sides, but for our very humanity."

Adam places a hand on the commander's shoulder. "We've all lost something in this war. But it's not too late to change our path. Let's work together to find a way out of this senseless conflict."

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