Big Brother

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I sat in the Woods by A tree, my favorite one too. It feels of live stretching it's branches so it surrounds me with love and comfort as I give it my warmth and love to it. I have been sitting here for a few hours now. I have been waiting for patrol now as I write in my journel. Hey, your a my changing tree. I looked around. It's me Paul, you wouldn't be able to see me. Phase paul, I want to see you. I can hear something, as a giant grey wolf comes towards me. Your so adorable paul, why do you look so stupid in human form? He rolled his eyes. He next to the tree as he stood in front of me for protection. Sit down paul, I can feel jacob he's fighting. I held on to Paul's fur as my vision blackened and I saw Jacob. I can see charlie with red eyes.
Dad, he got bitten. His eyes turn black as my eyesight came back to reality. Paul jake is fighting a newborn, he doesn't consume their diet neither. He sat as looked at him. Your like a big brother now. He barked as I layed on the forest grounds.

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