T'was the night before Halloween

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I have no idea how I'm going to top last years Halloween prank.

I have to.

If I don't top it everyone will think the Masquerades are running out of ideas and that's not good! I do have ideas! Just not Halloween prank ones!

That basically leads you up to now with me curled up on my bed almost hyperventilating.

See, I have this thing where I always have to out do my self in everything. And if I don't or can't I flip because I think I'm not good enough which leads to panic attacks.

So, here I am trying not to go into full panic attack mood while the others are trying to calm me down. Its a nice thing to do but it's not really working.

What if I have no ideas and the school starts mocking us because of that! Oh god oh god oh god oh god.

Ok Saph, in out in out in out. I try and calm my breathing. I try and lock away my thoughts of not having any ideas in a room of my brain.

"I- I can't think of anything to-to top last ye-years pr-prank." I manage to get out still shaking.

"Hey it's fine we'll think of something!" Moony tries to calm me.

"B-but what if I-I d-don't?" I ask stuttering.

"We'll help you!" Snitch replies.

"You just need to breath for us ok?" Kitty tells me.

In, out, in, out, in, out, in, out. I concentrate on my breathing.

O-ok I-I'm g-good now." I manage to chill.

"Why did you flip out?" Moony asks first.

"This happens sometimes when I can't think of anything or if I feel like I failed." I get out with out stuttering.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Kitty asks.

"Because it never happened so I thought I didn't get them anymore." I admit uncurling myself.

"Well we should probably get dressed..." Snitch looks down at our sweat pants and t-shirts.

"Yeah, we don't want to miss breakfast..." kitty agrees.

I nod and slip off my bed. I pull something out from under my bed though, My panic kit.

The girls look at it in confusion as I open it. Inside the box was a bunch of candy, candy helps me chill I pull out a few lollipops and flick them on my bed before going to get dressed.

I put on my uniform and makeup then put my hair in a loose fishtail braid with a green bow at the end.

I walk out of the bathroom, Moony slips in next. I then stick a green lollipop in my mouth. I take the other lollipops and put them in my black messenger bag with the Slytherin crest on it. The bag holds my school books in it.

The others finally finish getting ready and we walk down to the hall acting like my panic attack didn't even happen.

We eat in silence because we're all think about the prank for tomorrow. We could... WAIT I'VE GOT IT!!!

"I've got it!!" I whisper shout to my friends "I'll tell you the plan after classes." With that I walk to class with a grin the Cheshire cat would be jealous of.

My first class was defence against the dark arts. The new professor, professor Quirrel was an idiot. Sorry it's true. He hardly knows anything and he stutters also he wears this huge turban. I heard a rumour it was full of garlic!

~Time lapse to after classes~

Classes sucked today, they were all incredibly boring. I ran to our dorms carefully avoiding students, ghosts, and teachers alike. I quickly undo my braid while I'm running and shake my hair out then run a hand through it.

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