Part 10

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We stood at her grave looking down. Since the conversation on the roof top Mac wanted to see her grave. Despite the nagging feeling that this was going to end badly I went along with her leading us to now.

Standing over her grave.

We stood in silence but it was uncomfortable, we were both thinking. I looked at her face, expressionless, numb.

"Think they hurried you in a dress?" I said to her as she looked at me a grimace on her face. "Oh god" she said her face turning to one of disgust as I held back a laugh.

"Your probably just a skeleton down their, your eyes are definitely gone the maggots got to them first"

"Your fucked up. People don't think so cause your quiet but your fucked up" Mac said shaking her head but we both smiled softly.

"I'm ready to go" she said beginning to walk off as I looked at her grave one last time. It was hard to comprehend what would happen to her standing on older Tiff's roof top but now looking down and seeing her name on the stone, it felt different, too real.

We begun to walk off when Mac stopped looking down at a different grave stone.

"Grace?" She said her voice quiet and in the verge of breaking. "What?" I asked my heart sinking at her face.

"Mac what's wrong?" I said walking over to where she stood and looking down.


I didn't read tue rest as I stood back shakily. My whole body felt like it had been hit by a car. A sinking feeling filled me, my head felt light headed as I shook my head.

I shut my eyes rubbing my mouth with my hand as I carried on shaking my head. "I don't die Mac, I don't" I said again as if me saying it would change the gravestone.

"Grace.." Mac said unsure on how to continue as she looked between the gravestone and me. She came over to me as I fell down sitting on the grass being my knees to my chest and looking everywhere but the grave.

Mac sat down next to me her legs sprawled out in front of her as she only stared at the stone. "Maybe it isn't you? Coincidence?" She knew it wasn't a coincidence, she knew it was mine.

It took all the power in me to pull my head to the gravestone staring at the rest of it.

"Forever in bliss with her love after a battle lost"

"That doesn't even make any sense!" I shouted standing up and looking at Mac. "I don't get it! It doesn't make sense, I'm healthy, my mom would've said..."

I thought back to my mothers words "and now she's gone" I thought she meant I left, not died?

There were no flowers on my grave. Nothing. My mother wouldn't have written that on my gravestone.

I didn't understand any of it as tears started pooling from my face as I stood over my grave.

Before I knew what I was doing I was punching it and kicking it a part of me wishing that if it wasn't there then it wouldn't happen.

"Grace stop! Stop!" Mac yelled grabbing my hands and pulling me away. "You can't change it!" She spoke but her tone was softer despite her loud voice.

I shook my head. "I don't know what this means" I said finally as she shook her head. "Me either, cmon let's go" she said as we walked away her arm over my shoulder.

We were about to walk into the road when a car screeched in front of us stopping. A women got out as we sprinted away.

"Who was that?" I asked although I doubted it was someone either of us knew.

"Is was, my stepmom?" Mac replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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