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I wake up, feeling the warmth of Hyunjin beside me. My hand rests on his bare chest, my leg wrapped around his hip. Butterflies flutter in my stomach, and I tighten my embrace around him, savoring the moment. But then, I remember my responsibilities and groan, sad to leave the comfort of the bed and Hyunjin's arms.

Quietly, I slip out of bed and head to Han's room. I open the door and go over to Lee Know, gently nudging his arm. "Lee Know, wake up," I say softly. He stirs, sitting up sleepily and rubbing his eyes. "It's the first day of your therapy today. Are you nervous?" I ask. He looks at Han, asking, "A little. Is Han okay?"

I turn to face Han and then look back at Lee Know. "He will be," I reassure him. Lee Know watches Han sleep peacefully and whispers, "Did you call rehab?" I sigh and nod. "Yeah, I did. He's having a meeting tomorrow afternoon. I might let him sleep in today. He's really upset He feels like he's let you down ."

Lee Know's eyes glisten with tears, and he whispers, his voice choked with emotion, "Oh." He strokes Han's hair gently. I laugh slightly, trying to lighten the mood. "What am I going to do with you two?" Lee Know chuckles softly at my comment. "Have you two spoken since being here?" I ask. Lee Know purses his lips and replies, "A little bit, but we're both too scared to say anything just yet."

"That's fine," I say, smiling. "Just take your time with it. It will all be okay in the end." Lee Know kisses Han's head and agrees with a soft "Yeah." I make a jokingly gross face. "Ew," I say, making Lee Know laugh. He playfully pushes me off the bed, and I tell him, "Go take a shower, and I'll make you some food." He nods, "Alright," and I leave the room, shutting the door behind me.

I return to the room where Hyunjin and I slept, sitting next to him on the bed. I watch him sleep, taking in his features—strands of his copper brown hair resting lazily on his face, his plump rosy lips, and his brown eyes. I clear my throat, shaking away the feelings stirring in my stomach, and gently wake him up. "Han's mom is coming home today. I need you to clean up is that okay?."

Hyunjin groans, stretching before facing me. "Yeah, that's fine," he says. I smile and thank him. We get lost in each other's eyes for a moment before I break the contact and get off the bed. "I'm going to go make breakfast," I say, heading downstairs with my heart beating fast. I remind myself not to get carried away and be selfish.

As I make breakfast, Lee Know comes downstairs and starts eating. Hyunjin joins us shortly after, and finally, Han comes down, looking a mess. The room goes silent, and everyone feels bad for him. Han runs a hand through his hair and says dryly, "What?" We all respond in sync, "Nothing," and he sits down, grabbing a plate of food. We eat in silence, with small conversations here and there.

Once everyone is done eating, Hyunjin collects the plates and puts them aside. I watch him until we make eye contact, my cheeks heating up. I look at my phone and realize the time. "Lee Know, we need to go. You're going to be late to your session," I say. Lee Know nods and stands up. As he's about to leave, Han grabs his wrist and says, "I'm proud of you." Lee Know smiles at him, and we head out.

As we walk to the car, I can't help but giggle, seeing Lee Know's face turn bright pink. He notices and grumpily tells me, "Shut up," which only makes me laugh more. We get into Han's car, and Lee Know drives to the therapy place. Once we arrive, he takes a deep breath, staring at the big building. I sense his nervousness and say, "It will be fine. I'll be in the waiting room whenever you want to come out."

We both get out of the car and walk to the office. Lee Know talks to the lady at the desk, and I can't help but feel proud of him. He's come a long way. Hopefully, Han will be okay once Lee Know is settled in therapy. After signing in, we sit in the waiting room. Lee Know's name is called after a few minutes, and he leaves for his session. I lean back in my chair, filled with worry, and eventually drift off to sleep.

I'm woken up by Lee Know's gentle voice. "I'm ready to go now," he says. I apologize for falling asleep, and we walk back to the car. As we drive back, I ask, "How did it go? Do you like your therapist?" Lee Know makes an unsure sound. "It was alright. My therapist is nice, but I don't see how talking will help," he says. I reassure him, "Yeah, it will feel like that for a little bit, but you'll start seeing progress."

We arrive back at Han's house and walk in. "We're home!" I announce. Hyunjin is on the sofa, Han napping beside him. Hyunjin turns to face us, asking, "How'd it go?" Lee Know replies "Good." He then asks, "How's Han?" With a whisper. Hyunjin scrunches his nose, signaling that Han could be better. Lee Know walks over to Han crouches down by him and strokes his hair gently before standing back up.

"When is his mom coming back?" Lee Know asks. Hyunjin sighs, "She'll be here in about 40 minutes. She's just checking up on Han and sorting out some business before going back to LA." Lee Know looks down at Han everyone feeling sad for Hans abandonment. "Does she know we're staying here?" I shake my head, "Probably not."

We agree to tell Han's mom that we're just visiting and that Han is tired from exams. Hyunjin and I sit on the sofa while Lee Know stays by Han's side. Lee Know then turns to me, "Isn't Mom coming over today as well?" My face lights up, "Oh yeah!" Just then, the doorbell rings, and we hear my Mom's voice outside, "I have gifts!"

We scramble off the sofa, except for Han, who remains asleep. I open the door, and She embraces us, holding a bag filled with goodies. "Hey boys, how are you all doing? I've missed you lot," she says, her warm personality filling the room. "We're all good. Lee Know had his first day of therapy today," I say as we follow her into the kitchen.

My Mom smiles proudly at Lee Know. "I'm so proud of you, sweetheart. How did it go?" she asks. Lee Know smiles back, "It was good. How are you and Dad?" She starts taking stuff out of the bag. "We're good," she says, then looks over at the sofa. "How is he doing? Any better?" she asks about Han. Hyunjin responds, "He's just been the same, to be honest."

My Mom frowns, feeling pity for Han. "Did you reach the rehab center?" she asks me. I nod, "Yeah, he's having a meeting with them tomorrow." She smiles, lighting up the conversation. "Oh good," she says. "Well then, pick what you boys want," she says, revealing snacks, video games, blankets, and drinks. We all grab something, but I notice Lee Know choosing things for Han before picking his own.

I laugh quietly, and Lee Know gets flustered. "It's not like that. I just wanted to... just leave me alone!" he says, making us all laugh. Mom sighs with a smile and says, "Well, I've got to go pick your dad up from work. I'll see you lot later. Tell me how Han gets on at rehab, okay?" I nod, "I will. Thanks for everything!" We hug her, and she leaves.

I turn to Lee Know and raise an eyebrow. "So, you and Han? Do you like him?" Lee Know looks at Han with admiration. "Of course I like him. I've never stopped liking him since we broke up. I just don't know when is the right time to do something about it," he admits. I mumble to myself, "I know exactly what you mean."

The doorbell rings again, and Hyunjin answers it. Han's mother stands there, looking confused. "Who are you? Am I at the wrong house?" she asks. "I'm Hyunjin. I'm just visiting. Han's asleep right now," he says coldly. "Well, I don't recognize you. He's never mentioned a Hyunjin," she says, annoyed. Hyunjin, getting angrier, retorts, "That's probably because you're never here for your son."

She gasps, "Excuse you, talking to me like that in my own home?!" Hyunjin scoffs, "Say what you need to say to your son and go back to your fancy corporate job in LA." Felix and I are shocked at Hyunjin's protectiveness but agree with him. She struts inside, her heels clicking obnoxiously. Han wakes up, confused. "What's going on?" he stirs, half-awake.

"I'm going now, but I just came over to make sure you weren't up to anything," she says. Han sighs and tucks himself back into the sofa. "What do you care" She scoffs and throws her arms in the air in defeat.

"I give up! Why do I even try?" She angrily stomps back out the door angrily ranting about "this generation" Hyunjin shuts the door behind her and we all walk over to Han.

Lee know crouches down by him and puts a Hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" Han just nods and goes to sleep holding onto Lee know's arm.

Me and Hyunjin look at each other "we'll leave you to it" we go upstairs and I get changed into some clothes to sleep in then go to bed while Hyunjin goes to take a shower.

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