Chapter 1

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I couldn't have been more excited to finally be graduating with my MBA degree. I've been dreaming about this day for a really long time and its finally here. I just wished my best friend was here.

I was getting ready for the ceremony and the nerves started to come to me. I was also valedictorian so there is definitely more pressure on me to make a really good speech. I've been working on it for a really long time and I'm happy the way it turned out.

My brother came home to be there for me. I've been practicing my speech in front of him for the last week.

"You know, the more I listen to your speech, I think I like it more every time."


"Ali, I'm so proud of you." he walked up to me and hugged me.

"Thank you Michael."

I kept practicing my speech, trying to remember most of what I wrote.

It was time for the ceremony and I was both nervous and scared at the same time.

"Without the help of the closest people in our lives, we wouldn't have made it to this day. I would personally like to thank my best friend, Marcus Stroman for always being there as a stress reliever. Although he's not around as much, I know that I can always rely on him when I need to." I was wrapping up my speech when two guys started walking towards the seats. One looked really familiar, dark brown hair with blonde tips and the other guy I have never seen before. "Congratulations to all the graduates and good luck to you all in the future!"

After I ended the speech, the president of NYU came up to finish the ceremony.

"Now I would like all the graduates to take their tassels and place it from right to left." he waited until everyone changed their tassels. "Congratulations class of 2015, you have officially finished University!" Everyone took their hats and threw it into the air and started to hug each other.

Everyone started to look for their family, as well as mine.

Everyone started congratulating me and giving me hugs. I was so happy I had finally gotten my degree and someone my dad knows already has an internship spot open for me.

"Ali, there's someone here to see you." My brother said as he moved to his right to reveal two people standing behind him.

"Marcus!" I ran and jumped on him, embracing him in a really big hug.

He let me on the ground. "Congrats Ali, I'm so proud of you. I'm sorry I couldn't be there the whole ride, but you made it by yourself which is a good thing."

"You're here now and that's all that matters." I couldn't stop smiling because I finally get to see my best friend again.

"Oh and this is my friend, Aaron Sanchez." Marcus looked behind him and I saw a very tall man who was definitely very good looking too. He was looking down at his phone when Marcus called him. "Yo Aaron!"

I smiled, "He's also a pitcher for the Jays. Aaron is actually in my starting position because I tore my ACL."

"You're always doing crazy stuff Marcus, I'm sure rehab is good. No crutches, I see."

"Its going very well. Might be back in August, the earliest."

"Hi Aaron, I'm Alison." I smiled as I shook his hand.

"It's nice to meet you. Marcus is always talking about you." He smiled. "And congratulations." Aaron went over to the seat beside him and grabbed a bouquet of flowers that were sitting there, "I thought I should get you flowers since I just showed up and you don't really know who I am." He smiled again. I really liked his smile.

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