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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Elfen Lied or Bungo Stray Dogs

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Elfen Lied or Bungo Stray Dogs

A few weeks has passed since the day at the zoo as Naru's feelings towards Dazai had deepened she was completely infatuated with him she wanted so badly to tell him how she felt but was scared of how he would react.

At the same time Dazai was at the Lupin bar with Odasaku as he was just playing with the ball of ice in his drink thinking about Naru, he knew even though he has only known her for a short while he had feelings for her already but didn't know how to confess to her. He never thought he would ever have this type of problem.

The bandaged teen sighed as Odasaku looked at him. "Dazai are you okay? You're awfully quiet today and that's very unusual for you." Odasaku told him being blunt and straight making Dazai turn to him and smile from ear to ear and wave his hand in a reassuring manner. "Oh yeah, I'm fine don't worry about me I'm just thinking about a less painful way to commit suicide or why they won't serve me a glass of bleach here." Dazai says cheerfully clearly lying.

Odasaku raised an eyebrow and shrugs and doesn't say a word as Dazai decides tonight he was gonna tell Naru how he felt.

Meanwhile Naru was at her hideout/home she was staying at a warehouse as she sits on the crates thinking about Dazai. "He'll reject you, he's going to break your heart." The voice says in her head but Naru chooses to ignore her.

Naru hasn't stopped killing and she has killed a few more people the last few weeks as the city was placed in a curfew because of what she did. "Shut up and leave the kit alone, you're just salty over the fact that she doesn't want to kill that suicidal brat!" Kurama yells at the voice glaring at them. The voice shrugs and walks away inside her mind scape. "Kit, go on and confess to your mate." Kurama tells her giving her courage making her smile. "Thank you Kurama nii." Naru says to the nine tailed fox who has become an older brother figure to her.

She then gets down from the crate and heads outside to meet Dazai at their usual hangout while walking there however Naru was being followed by a few people the leader was a man who had black hair and dark purple eyes and wearing a white fluffy hat called a ushanka.

"There you are sweet Eve." He says with a smirk on his face and they followed her while watching her from the dark corners of the street.

A few minutes later Naru had arrived at the new art gallery that Dazai and Naru has been meeting lately as she waits at the door. She looks up and sees the brown haired teen had arrived and in his arms was the music box they both loved so much. "Hey there belladonna, lovely night tonight? It's a beautiful night for doubles suicide right?" He asked her in a cheerful manner making Naru giggle and smile at him with a blush on her face.

"I can always chop you to pieces if that will make you happy? And then I can kill myself as well we could be like Romeo and Juliet." She says in a joking manner while blushing, making Dazai blush and hug her. "Aww you're so sweet and understanding you really are my beautiful and deadly belladonna." He says to her making Naru turn an even brighter shade of red at the fact that Dazai was hugging her.

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