Chapter 15

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"Wake up! Wake up!"

Silvershine felt a paw prodding her sharply in the side.

"What?" she murmered.

"We're going to the Crystal Cave remember?" said Lilypool.

"Already?" said Silvershine scrambling to her paws, "Surely we don't need to leave this early."

"We don't, but I think you should get up early so you can check on the clan, now that you're leader."

Silvershine had completely forgotten she was the leader of Hollyclan now.

She padded out of Hollystar's den, My den, she corrected, I need to stop thinking of it as Hollystar's.

"Hi." greeted Frostfeather, "The dawn patrol has left but I haven't sent out the hunting patrols yet, should I do that now?"

"Sure." said Silvershine, "I'll go to the Moonfall so I can recieve my nine lives."

"Okay." said Frostfeather.

"Come to my den Silvershine." called Lilypool.


"Here are some travelling herbs." said Lilypool.


At around sunhigh Lilypool announced that she and Silvershine would be going to the Moonfall.

"Are you ready?" asked Lilypool.


Lilypool lead her out of camp, Silvershine followed her nervously.

What if Starclan doesn't approve of me?

Did Hollystar make a mistake when she chose me to be the deputy?

"We'll be crossing through Ivyclan territory." said Lilypool.

"What if they attack?" asked Silvershine.

"They won't." said Lilypool confidently.

Soon after they crossed the border an Ivyclan patrol found them.

"What are you doing here?" growled Honeycloud.

"Go back to your own territory where you belong!" jeered Shadowslash.

"Silvershine and I are going to the Moonfall."

"Why?" said Duskfeather, narrowing his eyes.

Lilypool took a deap breathe, "Hollystar is dead."

The Ivyclan cats showed no sign of suprise.

"I suppose we'll let you go." said Honeycloud examining her claws with a bored expression.

Silvershine let out a sigh of relief.

"You haven't seen any sign of Crystalsong, Flowerlight, and Starshine have you?"

"No, why?" said Lilypool.

"Keep your nose out of Ivyclan affairs." hissed Duskfeather.

"I have no intention of tolerating your disgusting scent for any longer than I haave to." said Lilypool coldly.

Lilypool marched past the Ivyclan warriors, "Come on Silvershine."

Silvershine hurried after her feeling the stares of the Ivyclan patrol burn into her pelt.

They soon left Ivyclan territory behind and found themselves in a valley.

The sun was slowly setting in the sky and Silvershine could feel the effects of the travelling herbs wearing off.

They followed a stream and just when Silvershine thought her paws were about to drop of Lilypool halted.

"We're here."

Silvershine saw a beautiful waterfall that crashed down spraying them with water droplets.

The waterfall flowed into the river they were following.

"Step into the Moonfall." said Lilypool, "You'll find yourself in a cave with lots of stalagmites, and stalactites. There will be many pools. There is a big one in the middle of the cave that leads to Starclan's hunting grounds. If you look into the water cats from Starclan will rise and sometimes they can bring you to Starclan, sometimes they just talk to you where you are. Once the moon sets then you can come out."

"Is it the Moonfall or the Crystal Cave that allows us to communicate with them?"

"Both, the Crystal Cave is useless without the Moonfall and the Moonfall is useless without the Crystal Cave." explained Lilypool, "Now go."

Silvershine took a deep breathe and stepped into the water.

She found herself in a cave lit by a crack in the roof.

She found the pool Lilypool had mentioned and gazed into it's depths.

Silvershine gasped, several star speckled spirits rose from the pool and gathered around the cave.

"We have come to give you your nine lives Featherstar." said Hollystar, "Close your eyes, touch your name to the pool."

Silvershine obeyed.

When she opened her eyes she was no longer in a cave but in a sunlit meadow surrounded by the Starclan cats.

"Welcome to Starclan." said Hollystar warmly.

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