BL: 020

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Jett tried to ignore the gaze that bore through his face as he stuck his mouth with food.

He glanced around the dinner table, noticing how reserved and how everyone was minding their business. He didn't fail to notice the empty seats beside the Alpha and the commander. Were they preserved for their mates? But Ace was sitting beside him and the commander didn't make any attempt to heave the Gamma to his side then, who were those seats for?

Deciding to mind his business, Jett went back to eating and the silent dinner continued till he heard the Alpha clear his throat, finally tearing his eyes away from Jett, for which he couldn't be any more grateful.

"How's the festival coming up, Commander?" Alpha Xavier turned to his commander, wiping his lips with a napkin. "Are the men ready?"

"Yes Alpha" the commander had replied.

Alpha Xavier reeled his head to his mate, sitting in the middle of the table, his six other friends surrounding him, he smirked noticing their silent state, clearly minding their business. "How about you, Jett. Are you ready?"

Jett and everyone in his group froze and they all turned their head to the object of discussion.
Jett lifted his head to his mate, his amber eyes holding confusion that Xavier couldn't help but grin in amusement, leaning his body on the table.

"Ready for what?" Jett grilled. What was he talking about?

"Well, you see. It's a little exercise we hold every year where the bravest stand in the arena and fight to the death, the weakest fall, and the strongest make a name among my warriors"

Jett instantly stared around the table, scanning the bulky men. No wonder they were like rocks. He turned to the grinning Alpha again, the glint in Xavier's eyes brought a sickening feeling to the pit of his stomach. "What does that have to do with me?"

"You see, we decided to make this year's more interesting. Anyone who wins becomes the Beta of this pack, a position you are in for, and trust me, a lot of my men are dying to become my Beta and they won't let you win easily"

"And If I don't want to compete?" Jett inquired.

"You have no choice, it's neither you die or win in the arena or be made my sex slave"

At his words, the table broke into laughter, mocking his already wounded ego.

Jett's hand curled into a fist on his lap, his teeth suddenly gritting as he registered the Alpha's words. Seemed like he was hellbound on making his life hell than it already was. Belittling him till he was nothing but the dust of the dirt and Jett would rather die than become an whore for this Alpha.

Xavier leaned his body back, his golden eyes sparkling. "Judging from your expression, I believe you would rather die than warm my bed. Such a shame. I would have loved to have a taste of that ass"

Again, another laughter among his men broke out, leaving Jett fussing in anger, his alpha pheromones circling him, sour and bitter.

Having enough, Xavier stood up from his seat. "Get prepared Jett, make it interesting, I will be looking forward to it and if you change your mind about warming my bed, you know where to find me" he smirked and strolled out from the dining room, his commander instantly standing as he followed after him.

When dinner was done, one by one stood and walked out from the dining-room till Jett and his friends remained, and almost instantly, they surrounded him.

"You aren't planning on fighting one of those men!" Sam verbalized, his brown eyes holding horror.

"Yeah and I believe, it would be more than one. Those guys are monsters, we've seen them in action and they aren't friendly" Finn shook his head in disapproval. It was a death wish.

"And getting bitten kills faster than a snap of a finger, Ace only got lucky because his mate was the commander"

Having enough of the voices, Jett slammed his palm on the dinner table and stood up, his amber eyes suddenly catching in flames. He glared at his friends. "It's good to know you guys have so much faith in me!"

"It's not like that. The thing is, we all have seen these men. They aren't normal breeds, they are not like us and we don't even know what they are, the commander controls a fucking fire whip for fuck sake, no normal wolf does that!" Connor shivered at the thought.

"Then I will just die in the arena than be humiliated more than I already am. I have nothing to lose" Jett voiced with an unremorseful voice, his amber eyes now going blank.

"But what about us, your people, your family. Are you going to leave us behind? Our fate is still uncertain in this pack" Ace stepped forward. But the glare he received made him retreat his steps.

"I don't think any of you heard what he said. Die or win or be made a sex slave. I am a fucking Alpha. You want me to be fucked in the ass. Trust me, I rather die!" he turned and stormed out of the dining room, leaving his friends behind.

"Jett..." Ace stepped to chase after him but Riyan held him back.

"Let him go"

The Gamma turned to his once Beta. "But he would die if he faces many of them. He doesn't know what he's facing!"

"Jett was once our Alpha and he would remain our Alpha, nothing changes that. Yes, he was prideful, proud, and thought the world was so simple, you guys are being unfair, it wasn't entirely his fault our pack was conquered. We are all to blame for not fighting enough and your lack of trust in him makes everything worst. Those men might be different breeds but Jett is still an Alpha. It takes more than that to bring an Alpha down"

With rage, Jett had flipped his bed upside down, crashing the locker into two with a kick, punching his wall till his knuckles bleed and holes formed.

"AHHHH!" he screamed in anger, yanking his white hair forcefully.

An Alpha?

What kind of Alpha was he?!

"You will die if you face those men!"

The voices of his friends came hitting him hard, with a force that made him let out another scream of anger, kicking the wall till his toes hurt beneath his boots.

Was that how poorly they thought of him? Did they think he was that weak to the point he couldn't fight many of those men? Did they think nothing of him but a fucking failure?

He suddenly laughed at his misery. It felt good knowing how awful they thought of him But he would show them, he wasn't an Alpha that could be put down so easily, he might have lost his pack, his title, he refused to lose the little bit of dignity he had left.


His head snapped back at the sound of his name, his eyes flashed red, his alpha show casting and the she-wolf immediately stepped back.

"I'm sorry, I heard a crash and I got worried" Marie bit her red lips as she took a step back. "I heard about the Alpha's condition if you refuse to join the contest" she continued. "I think he has gone too far this time. I think you deserve better and if you allow me, I can help you win this fight"

Jett walked towards her, his soul combusting in rage and before the she-wolf could react, he had slammed her back against the wall, trapping her with his hands.

"Do you think I won't be able to win? Do you think I fucking need your help to win? I am alpha Jett, it takes more than your little kind to bring me down"

Marie trembled at the rough and authoritative voice of the Alpha. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like tha-"

He instantly cut her off, moving backward. "Get out"

"But-" she tried to protest.

"I said get out before I fucking kill you!" he yelled with black veins in his forward and his wrist.

Gasping in fear, the she-wolf instantly rushed out of the door, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Fucking bitch, I will show all of you!!"

To be continued...!

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