Chapter 4

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Adison's P.O.V.

I look over at Jenna who's face has gone completely white.

"Look we can explain." Jenna says slowly walking towards Clay. He frowns but stays put.

"How long has this been going on?" He asks, his eyes swirling with anger and hurt.

"All my life." Jenna says and looks towards me begging for help. That's when I realize that she never wanted her kids to know. She never wanted to bring them into the craziness that is her powers. I give her a sympathetic smile and I turn to Clay.

"Clay, think about this for a second. Your mom had a good reason for not telling you about her powers and you should listen." I say to him and his eyes snap to mine. He's really mad now and I don't know why. He growls at me and I hold back a whimper. He's never growled at me and it struck a chord. I've heard him growl before but when it was directed at me it was something else.

"Clay Owen Jackson you do not growl at your mate." I hear another male voice say. Clay's dad walks up next to Jenna and takes her in his arms. She buries her head in his chest and sighs. I look down at my hands avoiding Clay's gaze.

Why did he growl at me? Does he hate me now? It's just a matter of time until he does wasn't it. I ask myself and look back up at Clay and he has a slightly softened expression but his posture says otherwise. His eyes are still black and angry.

"Ok Clay, I'll explain everything but you need to calm down now. Keep your mind straight." Jenna says and I see him clench his jaw but nod. Jenna sits down on the grass and Alex sits next to her, holding her hand. I sit a little closer to Jenna than Clay. I pull my knees up to my chest and rest my chin on them. Clay sits in front of his mom but not right next to me. I look up at him but he's not looking at me. The grass is suddenly very interesting.

Jenna then proceeds to tell Clay everything. As it turns out, he knows a lot about her life minus the power aspect. He was hurt after her story was done but he didn't leave which was good. I feel someone grab my hand and it was Jenna. I smile slightly at her and squeeze her hand in return. I'm still hurt from when Clay growled at me but I can't help it. He was okay with my powers but when he finds out about his mom's? He gets mad at me? I look at Clay and he's avoiding eye contact. I feel my hands heat up. Why now? Before anything can happen I stand up and take off.

"Adison!" I hear from behind me but I don't care. I push myself to go faster. I can feel my hands getting hotter and hotter. The wind is howling. The sky is getting covered with clouds. I hear thunder rumbling over head. I suddenly stop and look down to see that my hands are on fire. I shake them but the fire is still there. I scream and lightning strikes overhead.

"Adison breathe!" I hear Jenna say, "you're going to make it worse."

"I can't calm down and I don't know why!" I yell panicked trying to make the fire go away as the wind picks up. Jenna then walks over to me and looks me in the eye.

"I'm sorry" she says and then before I know it she grabs my hands with hers that were surrounded by water and forcibly puts out my fire. I cry out in pain and my knees give out. The second my knees meet the ground everything stops.

"Jenna why?" I grind out through my clenched teeth.

"You were going to hurt yourself and make it worse! You need to breathe and talk to me. I've had to do this before trust me." She then gets down on her knees so she's looking at me in the eye. She takes my face in her hands and then pulls me in for a hug. "We need to figure out your powers."

"Please." I say sighing, "All Clay did was growl. Why did that set me off?"

"Well it might be because of your bond. I don't know why your powers are like that but I bet you we can figure that out. Okay?" She asks looking at me in the eye. I nod and stand. I look down and my palms which are red and blistered. I sigh and look up at Jenna who is smiling sadly at me.

"Sorry again. Why don't we go back and bandage you up?"

"Sure. Um where's Clay?" I ask as we start to walk back to the house.

"I had Alex take him back and answer some questions that I knew he had." She says walking along side me.

"Oh." Is all I can manage.


Back at the pack house

"There." Jenna says proudly as she finishes wrapping my palms.

"Thanks. I guess I'll have to keep my anger in check for a bit." I say with a small laugh and Jenna smiles laying a comforting hand on my shoulder. I have to stifle a yawn and Jenna laughs.

"Well would you look at the time. You've had an eventful day young lady. Probably time for bed." Jenna says and I have to laugh. She's such a mom.

"Okay." I say with a smile heading upstairs. When I see that Clay's door is shut I stop. Jenna gives me a look then understands. She smiles sadly.

"There's an extra room downstairs if you'd like hun." I nod and then give her one last hug. "Down the stairs then take left." I nod and then slowly head down to the room.


"You're pathetic." Miles sneers.

"I'm not!" I yell back but he laughs.

"Yes you are. You let your parents die then killed mine. You're a coward Adison. You're pathetic. Worthless. Your mate doesn't even trust you. He hates you. You can't even keep your powers in check."

"Stop it!" I say covering my ears like a child.

"Why should I? Its all true. You know it." He says then laughs. I drop to my knees shaking my head.

"No. No. No." I repeat like a prayer.


"Stop!" I say again rocking back and forth.



"Adison!" I bolt up awake coming face to face with Clay. I avoid his gaze and he sighs. "Bad dream?"

I nod pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Adison." Clay says and then sits cross legged on the bed facing me.

"What." I mumble wrapping my arms around my legs.

"Please talk to me." He pleads.

"Why." I say looking down at my wrapped hands. He sighs then pulls me into a hug. I try to get away but he just holds me tighter. I eventually give up and he pulls me into his lap. He kisses the top of my head.

We just sit there like that. Neither of us saying a word. He doesn't pry. He just holds me like a silent apology with the promise of talking about it later.

We sit there in silence until I yawn. I feel his chest rumble from a soft chuckle. He stands and carries me upstairs and I don't fight back. He walks into his room and sets me down on his bed. He turns to the couch in his room but I grab his hand and he stops. He looks at me and I manage a small smile. He returns it then crawls in bed with me but not pulling me close like he did the other night. I try to fall asleep like that but I know that we're both awake. I sigh then move closer so I can lay my head on his chest. He tenses for a moment but then relaxes and pulls me close. He kisses the top of my head and whispers a good night. I mumble one back and then drift off into a dreamless sleep.


Hey!!!! I am so sorry I haven't updated in literally forever. I finally got a laptop so I can do some writing with out everyone looking over my shoulder. I promise to get a few more updates on all my stories by the time I leave for college by the end of the month.

I also have some ideas I want to try on all of my stories.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me even when I want on "hiatus". Thank you for your positive comments also. It honestly makes me feel so much better and gives me a boost to keep writing.

Love you guys!

Keep reading, voting, and commenting!

Skating4life1998 😘

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