chapter 10

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Ishan stood in front of the bathroom mirror in the middle of the night. The harsh glare of the overhead lights cast sharp shadows across his face, emphasizing the dark circles beneath his eyes. His usually neat hair was disheveled, sticking up in different directions from restless sleep.

He stared at his reflection, a mixture of worry and curiosity etched on his face. The quiet solitude of the night seemed to amplify his thoughts, making them feel louder and more relentless.

Ishan reached out and turned on the cold water tap, the sound of the rushing water filling the silence of the room. Without waiting, he splashed cold water onto his face, the shock of the icy liquid jolting him slightly. He kept his hands on his face, feeling the chill trickle down his skin.

After the cold water splash, Ishan left the bathroom and returned to his room. He sat down on the edge of his bed, the silence of the night surrounding him. The light from the moon filtered in through the window, casting an ethereal glow over his room.

As Ishan sat on the bed, his gaze fell upon a photo frame sitting on the bedside table. He leaned forward, reaching out to carefully pick up the frame and hold it closer.

Ishan held the photo frame containing the image of his mother, bringing it closer to his chest. As he looked at the photo, a wave of nostalgia washed over him. The warm smile on his mother's face seemed to bring him a sense of comfort in the stillness of the night.

As tears welled up in Ishan's eyes, he looked at his mother's photo frame, his voice filled with a mix of sadness. "If you were here, nothing would have happened," a bitter smile tugging at the corners of his lips. The tears overflowed and fell, one after another, wetting his cheeks and staining the photo in his hands.

With a gentle touch, Ishan placed the photo frame back on the bedside table, carefully positioning it where it had been before. He wiped away the tears from his face, trying to regain his composure.

Ishan lay back against the bed, his gaze fixed on the ceiling above him. The stillness of the night seemed to envelope him, leaving him alone with his thoughts and emotions. The silence in the room felt deafening, like a constant reminder of his loneliness.

Ishan's voice trembled as he spoke to himself, a mix of resignation and irony in his tone. "At least you don't hate me, God," he said, his eyes welling up with tears once again. "That's why you sent someone like Shubhas into my life." A bitter smile tugged at the corners of his lips, as if finding a hollow comfort in his own cynicism.


Shubman was sitting at his desk in the office, grinning and giggling to himself as he stared intently at his computer screen. His laughter filled the air, causing a few curious glances from his colleagues. It was clear that something on his computer had captured his attention in a way that amused him greatly.

Rishabh approached Shubman's desk, intrigued by the sight of him giggling uncontrollably. "Hey, Shub," Rishabh asked curiously, "what are you watching on your computer ?"

Shubham responded to Rishabh without looking away from the computer screen. "Oh, it's nothing like that," he said dismissively, still fixated on whatever was on his monitor. His casual response mirrored his secretive behavior, adding to Rishabh's curiosity about what was holding Shubham's attention.

"You wasting your time shubman" Rohit said.

"No bhaiya"

"Then what are you watching?" Aditi asked with curiosity.

Shubman was about to respond to Aditi's question, but instead, he burst into another fit of giggles, unable to keep himself from laughing. His laughter drew even more attention from his colleagues, who were growing increasingly puzzled by his strange behavior.

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