chapter 18

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The morning sunlight streamed in through the curtains, casting a soft glow on Ishan's face. He groaned as he woke up, a throbbing headache immediately making its presence known.

He sat up slowly, rubbing his temples, trying to ease the pain. The events of the previous day slowly started to come back to him, adding to the already unpleasant start to his day.

Ishan frowned as he heard the commotion outside his house. There were definitely a lot of people gathering, their voices carried in the early morning air.

Curiosity piqued, he got out of bed, the headache still lingering at the edges of his consciousness. He moved to the window, pulling aside the curtain to see what was happening outside.

Ishan's eyes widened in disbelief as he peeked through the window. The sight outside was beyond what he had expected. The street was teeming with media personnel and police cars, all gathered right in front of his house.

His mind reeled, trying to make sense of the situation. What on earth was happening? Why were the media and police here at his house?

Ishan moved silently to the room door, his heart beating a little faster than normal. He stepped out into the hallway, moving to the staircase and peering down to see what was happening.

The voices of the media personnel and police officers floated up to him, but he couldn't make out any distinct words from this distance.

Ishan cautiously made his way down the staircase, taking cautious, quiet steps. As he descended, the voices from outside became clearer, the chaotic hum of conversation gradually making sense.

He reached the bottom of the staircase and crept forward, trying to get a better view without being seen.

Ishan froze at his place as he caught a glimpse of Shubman, standing amongst the crowd of police and media personnel.

Confusion and disbelief washed over him. "Shubhas? What is he doing here?" He muttered under his breath, his mind racing to make sense of the unexpected sight.

For a moment, everything around Ishan seemed to fade away. All he could focus on was Shubman, standing amidst the chaos, the only clear figure in his vision.

His heart skipped a beat, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. Why was he here? What was happening?

Ishan swallowed hard, his mind racing with a hundred questions. Yesterday's events weighed heavily on his mind, and he knew he needed to talk to him.
he walked towards where Shubman was standing, a quiet resolve strengthening his every step.


As Ishan approached Shubman, he called out his name, the syllable rolling off his tongue with a mixture of desperation and longing.

The sound of Ishan's voice sent a jolt through Shubman, the memory of yesterday's events still fresh in his mind. He turned, his gaze locking with Ishan, his heart clenching in his chest at the sight of him.

Before Ishan could say anything more, he was cut off abruptly by Shubman.

"CBI Detective Shubman Gill," Shubman said sternly, holding his badge in front of Ishan's face, the metal glinting in the morning light.

The realization hit Ishan hard. Shubman was a CBI detective? The man he had been so close to, shared so much with, was actually here on official business?

Ishan's eyes widened, the reality of the situation slowly sinking in. He stared at the badge, his mind trying to catch up with this new piece of information.

Confusion, hurt and shock warred within him, and it was difficult to keep his emotions in check. The man who he had thought he knew, had let into his heart, was now standing before him as a CBI officer.

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