chapter 31

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Ishan, his voice filled with bitterness and anger, declared, "I hate you... I hate you so much just leave from here. I don't want to get out let me be here!"

Shubman, listening to Ishan's declaration, didn't flinch. He knew that the path ahead would be challenging, and he understood that Ishan's anger and hatred were a direct result of his own actions.

Taking a deep breath, Shubman responded calmly, "I know you hate me, and I understand why. I messed up badly, and I can't undo the pain I caused. But I'm here to make things right, Ishan. I want to help you. I know I hurt you deeply, but please believe me when I say I regret everything I did. I genuinely want to help you get your life back... A better one."

Ishan, his voice firm and resolute, refused to concede, "believe? You?  You can say whatever you want, but I won't fall for your lies again."

The scars of heartbreak and betrayal still fresh in Ishan's mind, he was unwilling to entertain the possibility of Shubman's sincerity. His walls were firmly erected, protecting his wounded heart from further pain.

The part of him that once trusted and loved Shubhas still existed, but it was buried under layers of anger and hurt.

Sensing that the current line of conversation was not yielding any progress, Shubman decided to change the topic, hoping to find a common ground. He shifted in his position and spoke with a softer tone, "Okay, let's change the topic. We can discuss something else."

He racked his brains, searching for a topic that might divert Ishan's attention from the intense emotions surrounding their past. Then, a thought came to him.

"Do you remember the officer on that day in the interrogation room ?" Shubman's question piqued Ishan's interest. He looked at Shubman with a mixture of curiosity and caution, sensing that the conversation was taking a different turn.

"Hmm" ishan hummed looking away. the mention of the officer triggered a mixture of emotions within him.

Shubman, sensing the complex dynamics between Ishan and the officer from the interrogation room, continued his question, "Do you know that officer?"

There was a pause as Ishan digested the question, his mind racing with memories and associations. The mention of the officer brought back a flood of recollections, some unpleasant, some more complicated.

Ishan responded with a quiet affirmation, "Yes..."

Shubman wondered what lies behind Ishan's answer and whether there was more to the story than just a simple acquaintance.

He chose his words carefully, aware of the delicate situation, and inquired further, "How do you know him? Tell me everything"

"And why do you want to know?" Ishan, noticing Shubman's questioning, felt a defensive shield rise within him. He fixed Shubman with a guarded look and retorted with a question of his own,

Shubman, his expression still serious, responded to Ishan's question with a simple yet cryptic statement, "I have my reasons."

There was a certain aura of determination behind his words, implying that his intentions were not casual or insignificant.

Ishan, still harboring anger and mistrust, remained stubbornly adamant. He crossed his arms and fixed Shubman with a hard gaze.

"Why should I tell you anything? You haven't given me any reason to trust you."

Despite Ishan's stubbornness, Shubman remained patient and composed. He recognized that Ishan's behavior was a result of past experiences and emotional walls that had been built up

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