chapter 12

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˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ Anastasia ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗

I awoke with a pounding headache and my stomach churning. My eyes fluttered open and met my grey wallpaper.

I tried to piece together what the hell I did last night but it was a blur. Drinking, dancing, laughing, Mark, fighting, Bella?

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I froze in place when I noticed the strong arm wrapped around my waist.

Please tell me I didn't fuck Mark.

Bracing myself for the worst I rolled over and peeked at the male next to me, breathing a sigh of relief when I saw it was Johnny.

Wait did we have sex?

A new wave of nerves flooded me, making my stomach churn more. I lifted the covers and checked to see if we were clothed. My eyebrows raised when I saw Johnny in nothing but white Calvin Klein jocks, and myself in a skimpy white tank top and lacy underwear.

At least that was something. I forced myself to drag my eyes away from his perfectly toned abs, actually perfect wasn't even a good enough word to describe them.

Over the last couple of years Johnny had been getting more and more muscular, making it more and more hard for me to not stare at his body.

I rolled back onto my side, Johnnys hand still grabbing my waist. The warmth of him making me tired, I faded back into a peaceful sleep.

When I awoke a while later my bed was empty.

Rolling out of bed, I threw a pair of pyjama pants on and grabbed a jumper. I walked sluggishly to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Slowly walking down the stairs, I swore I could smell pancakes.

I rounded the corner into the kitchen to see Johnny standing at the cooker, spatula in hand. Claire and Gibsie were on my couch, Lizzie and Shannon were seated on bar stools and Hughie and Patrick were standing in the kitchen.

"Good morning sunshine," Patrick mocked as I slid onto the stool next to Shannon.

I shot him a glare and he chuckled.

"Good morning Stas, do you want some pancakes?" Johnny asked, flipping one onto a plate. 

"Please," I mumbled, my stomach growling.

Johnny slid me a plate with two pancakes on it. I spread some butter on them and poured syrup on top.

"Did you guys clean up?" I questioned, looking around my house that looked clean considering I'd had a party last night.

"Yeah a bit," Lizzie said with a mouthful of pancakes.

"You guys are too sweet. You didn't have to," I gushed, grateful to my friends.

"Consider it your birthday present," Gibsie called from the couch.

Leave it to Gibsie to use cleaning as my birthday present.

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