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Everyone finally escaped the burning underground prison. The whole crew is here.. besides Nami.
Chopper lets down the crew onto the ground. Jinbe didn't want to waste time, so he already went on his way to the ship to lay down Otama.
"Sanji, you was fighting Kiko, where did Nami go?" Luffy asks, he looks at Sanji on his left— "I have no clue. She was there one second and disappeared the next.." Sanji says with a disappointed look. He doesn't know if Nami is still in there or if she's out here. Kiko can quickly exit that prison if she wanted to, so he doubts she's dead. "Wherever that woman took Nami, I sure hope they didn't leave the island." Brook says, his finger on his chin.

"We're wasting time just talking, we should start looking." Sanji says, the rest of the crew nods besides Chopper. "I'll take Zoro, Franky and Robin back to the ship, they need to be recovered immediately!" He says, he grabs his unconscious crewmates and rests them in his paw.
"Alright! We'll split up!" Luffy shouts, they all begin to run out of the forest.

To jinbe and Otama —

Jinbe and Otama are close to the docks. He is able to run extremely quickly due to his fishman abilities, but as he was running he noticed the town looked.. horrible.
The buildings was all run down and looked to be half destroyed, the restaurants and shops are closed, and no villagers was seen.
The only part of the town that looks untouched is the cabins, which he even seen a villager..
He opens his mouth to say something but hesitates, maybe he shouldn't trust them so easily. They seem to be an old woman, a white long skirt and a pink cardigan. But, don't judge by looks..

Old women can be scary.

He sees a sign that directs to the docks, he pays no mind to the woman and continues to run. Otama is still on his back. Dark, big trees surround him as he gets closer to the docks, it's very closed In for some reason.. "Hold on tight, Otama! We're almost there!"
Luffy split up from Sanji, Brook, and Usopp. He decided to go to the town, Sanji and Brook went to the cabins, and Usopp went to the deep forests. It got colder, the snow is heavier than it was. Luffy is nervous about Nami, but he also has trust that she'll be okay. She's been in a lot of situations like this, she's strong enough to defend herself before they get there. "Nami!" Luffy shouts. His hands to his mouth, it isn't as loud since the howling winds and snow is muting it.
To Sanji and Brook

Sanji and Brook ran to the cabins as fast as they could. "Knock on all of them!" Brook says, sanji nods. They get to knocking on the cabins—"Nami!!" Sanji shouts, he can't help but be nervous. Even though he knows she's strong, he still can't help it. It's unresponsive, besides one..


Irukas familiar hair is shown through the cabin door, she's in the same clothes she was in the prison. And looks.. angry?
"Iruka Chan? How did you.. you was just in the prison with us?" He says, he looks at her shocked. Brook hears the fuss and comes over to see as well. "Whaaatt?? Iruka san?" She looks at them and sighs. "Alright, alright!"
"I'll explain what happened.."

To Usopp
"It's cold.. so.. cold.." "Nami! Hurry and get out so we can leave this cold place!" He shouts, the birds on the trees fly away from his abrupt voice.
He seems to not see anything at all, besides a sign to the docks. "I always get the most boring job.." he complains.

To Luffy
Luffy continues to walk in the town. He decides to look in the bar, since it's the only place that at least looks a little bit alive. He walks in the heavy snow to the curtained door, shoving it open—
"How can I help you young man?" The bartender says to him immediately, before he even fully walked in. It stuns Luffy a little, "No.. I'm fine. I'm looking for my friend. Long orange hair.. pink jacket?" He says, swiping the snow off his coat. "I never seen such a lady." He says while wiping a cup, a smile on his face.
This is the same man who captured Zoro.

Luffy sits down on the bar chair, he seems trustable— Well— To Luffy. But, even he doesn't fully know that yet. "Have you seen anyone? At all? What about a girl with blonde hair? Also a pink sweater?" Luffy instigates him, he looks at him with a confused look. "No, sir.. I've never seen such women." Luffy looks at him for a second, he attempts to read his face and expressions. He looks around the bar, it's small, and cozy. But something definitely seems off. He jumps off his seat, "Cya." He says, when he gets up, his straw hat falls on the floor. His eyebrows raise, and kneels down to pick it up.

When he goes to grab it, he notices something on the floor.

It's a dark pink button.

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