Murmured Voices and Racing Hearts

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Charlotte's POV:

Have you ever heard of the Runaway Bride? It's a storyline I often come across in books, especially in romantic comedies where everything seems to lead to a happy ending.

You know, the typical storyline is a bit of a cliché.

Picture this: there's this woman, all geared up to walk down the aisle and say "I do" to a guy who's just not the one. But then, on the big day, as she's standing there in her wedding dress, something clicks. Maybe it's a glimpse of her old flame in the crowd, or maybe it's just a sudden rush of clarity. Either way, she realizes she's still carrying a torch for her first love.

And in that moment, everything changes. Suddenly, the idea of spending the rest of her life with Mr. Wrong becomes unbearable. So, what does she do? She makes a run for it. She kicks off her heels, leaves her bouquet behind, and bolts out of the church like her life depends on it.

It's a daring move, no doubt about it. But in the end, it's all about following your heart, even if it means breaking a few rules along the way. And who knows? Maybe, just maybe, she'll find her happily ever after in the arms of her true love, wherever he may be.

Now, as I find myself in a similar situation—minus the whole pining for my ex part, because let's face it, I've never really had any exes—I can't help but wonder if I'll end up with the same fairy tale ending as those heroines in the books. You know, the ones who bravely run away from the altar and into the arms of their true love.

But for me, it's not about love. It's about something deeper, something more primal. It's about the need to break free from the chains of expectation and obligation, to carve out a path of my own choosing. It's about reclaiming my autonomy and living life on my own terms.

Do the books' happy endings are always true?

"Nesa, where the hell are you?" I murmured, whilst walking through the aisle slowly. Discreetly roaming my eyes around the seats, where the people I knew sat, craning their heads to look at me. The grip of my hand in the bouquet I am holding is getting tighter with each passing moment.

And I can't bear to see their hopeful, in-awe faces. It's as if they're trying to reassure me that this is the right path, that everything will work out in the end. But deep down, I know it's all a facade.

They may look happy for me, but I can see through the charade. This isn't about love or passion; it's about money and business, plain and simple. It's a cliché scenario straight out of a soap opera, where the rich people smile and nod as if their lives are powered by romance, but in reality, it's all just a carefully orchestrated game.

I refuse to be a pawn in their game any longer. I won't let them dictate my future or force me into a marriage that's based on anything other than genuine love and affection.

Rich people do not know anything about love.

With each step I take, my heart races faster, propelling me closer to the end of this long, straight carpet-clad pathway where Mew awaits. I've known him since I was 18, a familiar presence in my life, chosen by my parents as the one who would be right for me.

But as I approach him now, doubts swirl in my mind, questioning whether their choice aligns with what I truly desire.

It's not that I don't love Mew. We've been best friends for God knows how long. But still, this wedding make no fucking sense. It doesn't feel right.

With each passing moment, my unease grew larger. And the itch to take of my 4 inch heels, and runaway like a teenager finally having her freedom grew even stronger as I am nearing the front of the aisle.

Mew's smile isn't helping at all. Why does he looked so happy, as if this is what he really wanted?

There's no time left. I have to act on my own or I will be forever bound to this leash. My nerves grew bigger and bigger. It felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders as I inched closer to the front of the aisle. All I wanted to do was kick off my high heels and bolt like a bat out of hell.

I had a plan, a crazy idea that seemed more and more appealing with every passing minute. Nesa was supposed help me with this, but that brat was nowhere to be found!

The idea of breaking free from this wedding, from all the expectations and pressures, filled me with a mix of excitement and fear. I could practically taste the freedom waiting for me just beyond those chapel doors.

I just have to turn away now, and run.

Despite the soft piano music still playing in the background, the guests' whispers filled the chapel as I came to a halt.

The sight of my mother standing abruptly in her seat in the front had my lips lifting up into a smirk. Oh, how I love to see her so baffled and pissed.

But as I turned my eyes to Mew, his smile is now gone. But I don't care about it right now.

This is it, Charlotte. Make a run for it! Don't just stand here and let these fools make you one of their pawn. It's not happening, not even if it's your parents you're ditching.

"Damn you all," I muttered under my breath, my heart still racing with adrenaline. "Even if you're all grandmasters in chess, you won't make the Queen yield."

With a sudden surge of determination, I lifted my expensive wedding gown picked and bought by my mother, with my hands, balling into fist as I hold it up. The bouquet now forgotten on the floor, I kicked off my heels without hesitation, leaving them behind without a second glance. The murmurs of the guests filled my ears, nearly deafening me as the blood rushed in my veins, drowning out all other sounds.

Without looking back, I broke into a sprint, the pounding of my feet echoing in the silent chapel as I raced towards the exit. With each step, I felt lighter, freer, as if I was shedding the weight of expectations and obligations with every stride.

The air rushed past me, cool against my skin as I burst through the doors and into the open air. The world outside stretched before me, vast and full of possibilities, and for the first time in what felt like forever, I felt truly alive.

I didn't know being a Runaway Bride is fun.

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