The Past that Lingers in Every Shadow

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5 years ago...

February 13, 2011.

The soft strains of music from the sound system enveloped the room, creating a serene atmosphere as guests mingled and chatted animatedly. Engfa Waraha stood gracefully amidst the crowd, her radiant smile sweeping across the room as she observed each familiar face with joy.

Suddenly, her sister Plaifa's voice resonated through the venue, amplified by the microphone, drawing all attention. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! Are you all enjoying yourselves? Is the champagne flowing?" Her playful tone elicited laughter and cheers from the guests. "Excellent! Now, please join me in welcoming Miss Engfa Waraha to the stage."

Engfa made her way confidently towards her sister, clad in a beautifully tailored navy blue suit that accentuated her figure elegantly. As she faced the expectant audience, a sense of pride radiated from her.

"Good evening, everyone," she began, her voice clear and filled with gratitude. "Thank you all for being here tonight. Without further ado, I'm thrilled to announce the launch of a new venture within our family's business portfolio, one that I will be spearheading."

With a flourish, the large screen behind her illuminated with an image of her new enterprise. "Tonight marks the opening of Waraha Autos," she declared proudly, prompting an eruption of applause and cheers from the crowd.


Later, amidst the rhythmic sway of the music, Engfa and her partner Pich found themselves dancing joyously.

"I'm so proud and happy for you, babe," Pich whispered in Engfa's ear, her admiration evident.

Engfa smiled warmly, her heart full. "I couldn't have done it without your unwavering support. Thank you, love."

Pich chuckled softly. "Well, you can't give me the credit now. I don't even know enough about automotives. Cars and engines aren't exactly my forte."

"But you know a thing or two about managing a resort, though," Engfa teased, gently nudging Pich's cheek with her nose.

Pich laughed, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Your mother wouldn't have hired me if I didn't," she replied playfully. "And I'm so damn good doing my job,"

"I know,"

Engfa gazed into Pich's eyes, captivated by their beauty just as she had been from the very start. Engfa stared at Pich's eyes a bit longer, getting lost all over it's beauty once again much like she did when she first saw her.

Suddenly, a bold idea struck her.

"Marry me," Engfa blurted out, her heart racing with emotion.

Pich's smile widened, though she looked momentarily surprised. "What?" she asked incredulously, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Engfa knelt before her, producing a ring from the pocket of her pants. "Marry me, babe," she repeated earnestly, her voice filled with love and conviction.

The attention of the surrounding guests shifted towards them, the air filled with anticipation and excitement.

"Of course," Pich replied, her voice tinged with emotion as she pulled Engfa up to her feet. "You didn't even have to ask. Yes, I will marry you."

Engfa couldn't contain her joy. "She said yes!" she exclaimed to the crowd, unable to suppress her happiness. The room erupted into applause and cheers.


As the night progressed and glasses were raised in toast after toast, Engfa found herself more affected by the champagne than she had anticipated.

Serendipity | Englot AUNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ