12| Dick piercing|| Jean

638 4 0

My lips traveled seductively biting his earlobe softly, capturing it between my redish lips, keeping it in place as I licked it using my tongue

The blush that trained his chubby cute cheeks successfully made me more turned on, if that's even possible

"Yn, wait" his voice came out as a soft, shyly whisper as my touch got the best of him

He was never the sub type but I see tonight he acts like one

Ignoring his words I made sure that I moved my core closer to his bulge that was getting harder each second passed by, didn't went unnoticed by my needy self

Opening my mouth as I let go of his ear getting closer to his jawline as I began to place sloppy kissed on each part of his flawless skin

Moving my hips from side to side as the pleasure hit me, making me crave more of him

Opening my eyes as they fell on his hands that were digged deep into the material of the bed

Taking his hands in mine as I placed them on my hips, closer to my inner thighs hoping he will make a move by its own now

Pushing him on the bed as now I could have more control over his body

My hands went to his shirt before going under it, touching his every inch of his abs, feeling each and every muscle that draw his perfect form

My hips never stopped, pressing myself harder against his 'koo' making him feel powerless underneath me

His ragged breaths were the only sound that could be heard and I couldn't ask for more

Lowering myself as I started placing my mouth of his now naked abs

Capturing his left nipple in my mouth as a soft whine left his throat giving me goosebumps

Kissing all the way down to his v line

Before I could undo his Gucci belt his hands stopped my action as now my entire attention was on him

Confusing wrote all over my face as he could sense how pissed off I can be now

"You aren't ready for it princess" the cockyness in his voice could be heard as now I got more curious and intrigued by it

"I have had it before"

His lips curved in a arrogant smirk and all I wanted to do was to wipe it off by sucking him off

A chuckle slipped through his lips as he removed his hands from mine, giving me his accord to keep going

Without thinking twice I gladly accepted it and took off his pants

His black calvin klein underwear were hugging his growing bulge perfectly giving me a perfect view of what I have been craving for 5 months now

No one told me dating a celebrity could mean months of being sexual frustrated

Licking my lips as I could feel his stare on me but in this moment I couldn't care less, all my attention being on my meal

Gripping each part of his boxers I took them off in a split of seconds

My whole face fell on the ground in the moment my eyes meet it

His 'koo' proudly stood hard, felling on his abs

Touching it with my trembling hands, bringing it closer to me before gulping down the lump in my throat

He was pierced. Down there...

A silver barbell with a ball on either end went straight through the top of his shaft and though the underside

Pulling away my hands from it, worried about not wanting to hurt him

All I did was looking at it...mystified, lost in words

"I told you, are aren't ready but you didn't wanted listen

But now my princess, there is no turning back "

BTS Kim, Jean || sex 21+ (Smuts)Where stories live. Discover now