21 days before

14 0 0

It was the Summer of Cecilia McCain's 17th (she's 17) that her parents decided to send her to boarding school.

She didn't understand why, as it was her last year of high school anyway. But she knew to never talk back to her rich snooty parents. No matter how much she complained she had to follow in both her parents, and many generations before hers, footsteps. which was attending Glenway boarding school somewhere in South Carolina. It was was pretty much always hot there, and she knew she would probably be surrounded by rednecks who got in on coincidence.

It was a nice school she had been there once or twice, considering her parents had funded to add two new halls to the school, and she had to be there for the opening of the halls.



I woke to the stupid alarm clock, which I wanted nothing more than to toss out the window everyday of my idiotic life.

Today was the day I had to start packing, my mother says I need to pack on this very day, as everything needs to be perfectly organised. my eyes are basically rolling out of my head.

It's quite upsetting knowing my parents want me out of the house so much they want me to pack 21 days before.

I walk down the stairs into the kitchen and open the fridge. I've always wondered why we needed such a big house. I mean three people live here, and we have 9 bedrooms and 10.5 bathrooms.

"Cecilia?" Oh great.

"Yes, mom." I address her with little affection. While looking into her ice blue eyes that are filled with no emotion.

"I was just wondering if you'd started packing yet, dear. You know you don't have all the time in the world to do so." she smiled. Her smiles never reached her eyes.

"Yes, I was going to eat a bit of breakfast before I went and got started. Oh, did dad go and get those boxes?" I spoke in a civil tone as always, when addressing my mother.

"Yes, he should be back any moment now." She said as the door to the kitchen swung open revealing my father. I'd always been more of a daddy's girl, I mean how could I not be he was a fun loving, daring person who gave me love and affection when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Where as my mother and I had always had a somewhat formal relationship, of course I love her and she loves me, but she didn't really get me. I walked over and hugged my father.

"I can't believe your packing for Glenway, I'm gonna miss ya kiddo." My father had a southern accent since he was from South Carolina, and my mother always complained because sometimes she didn't understand the phrases, but I grew up hearing them so I kinda understood them.

"I know. I'm growin' up on ya dad." I smiled at him.

"Well you need any help packin'?" He smiled holding up about 400 boxes.

"Sure do. But did you really need to get that many boxes?" I laughed as I pointed to the boxes. At this point my mother just felt awkward, and had walked off without saying anything.

"C'mon lets get this over with." he laughed. We walked up the many stairs.


At around 8 pm we got finished packing everything minus my necessities, which I would pack the night before I left.

My dad and I were now in the den.

"What do say we order a pizza, bud?" He asks picking up the phone.

"You should know I'm always up for pizza." I say laughing.

"Why do you think I've already got the number dialed?" He said clicking the call button. I laughed as I walked into the kitchen to get some paper plate and two glasses of ice, and the two-liter bottle of coca-cola from the fridge, as well as the roll of paper towels.


About thirty minutes later the pizza arrives, we take our time eating about three slices a piece before mom walks into the den.

"I think that we should go to bed now, Cecilia, you need to get rested for Glenway, it's only three weeks now." she said smiling brightly. Fake of course.

"Night, dad." I said hugging him and kissing his cheek.

"Night, bud, love ya." he said turning his attention back to the football game on TV.

"Love you too."

"Goodnight, sweetie." Mom said.

"Goodnight, mom." I called as I
trudged up the stairs.


Once I got into my bedroom, I pulled my pack of cigarettes out from under the mattress and walked out on to the balcony to smoke. I smoked at the end of everyday, kinda took my stress away. It was a habit I picked up around last year, mom was really pushing me on grades and I just couldn't handle it anymore so I got my aunt to buy me a pack, she's one of those aunts, and I only smoke one a day as I stargaze so it's not that bad for me.


I got ready for bed, and went to sleep hoping tomorrow wouldn't be as bad.

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