18 days before

10 0 0


I feel the need to specify nothing has gotten better. My mom is ecstatic I'm leaving and my dad is upset beyond belief. It's like my mom wants nothing more than to get rid of me. I mean it's probably not true, but she seems so happy but me and my dad are upset, I just think it's kind of weird. But I went about my normal summer life. Which mainly consisted of me lounging outside on a lawn chair tanning next to the pool. When I wasn't doing that I was probably put with my dad, or my best friend, Giovanna White. Or on my computer. I have a boring life.


I pick up my phone and click Giovanna's contact clicking the call button next to her iPhone number.

"Hey, biatch! It's been a week." She says into the phone and I laugh.

"I know, but you know with the whole boarding school thing. I'm just so fuckin' busy." I say casually laughing off hoping my mom didn't hear a word I just said, but she is in the house.

"I'm honestly surprised my parents aren't like making me go, because you know their fuckin' copycats, and practically worship the ground your parents walk on." Her parents have always done everything my parents have. For example, when we went to Rome for the week 2 years ago we "coincidentally" ran into Giovanna and her parents, not that I minded, because I had originally wanted Giovanna to come with us in the first place.

"And, God do I hate it. Anyways, i was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall, since there are no uniforms at Glenway, and I need some more clothes, so I have to wash clothes less often." I laugh at my lame excuse to go shopping.

"You know I'm always up for the mall. Pick me up at my place in 2 hours." She says.

"K." I say hitting the red button and heading inside to get ready.

I walk in through the kitchen doors to get a bottle of water.

"Hey princess I gotcha a present." Oh, lord what kind of nun garment will it be this time. I turn around taking the box from his hands with a greatful smile. I open to find a black one piece swimsuit, that I won't be wearing anytime soon.

"Dad, first I wanna say thank you so much for this," I say hugging it, "but mom bought me a bunch of bikinis from Victoria's Secret, and I already have about 14 bikinis and more tasteful one pieces to take." I say trying not to hurt his feelings.

"But, honey, there are going to be so many boys trying to steal my darling little princess away, and we all know what thing every teenage boy wants don't we?" I nod my head before he continues, "and what is that?" Oh why does he have to make me say it, he knows I know what it is.

"Sex." I say bluntly, and uninterested, I even glance at my cuticles to add to the uninterest hoping he'll get the memo and leave me alone.

"So what are you doing today?" He says leaving the topic, which I'm thankful for.

"Going to the mall with G." I say. He pulls out his billfold.

"Well here's my card, I want you to buy as much as many clothes as you want to take with you to Glenway." He says handing me the card and saying clothes once more with emphasis.


After I'm showered and have done my makeup I put on high-waisted denim shorts, and an all time low shirt that's way too big, with black ankle boots before, putting on a black tattoo choker, and pulling my hair into a high, and messy, ponytail, grabbing my iPhone 6plus from its charger and heading down to the garage. I pull the keys to my black Range Rover off the hook and pulling out.


This is the most cliche story ever OMG I'm sorry. :)

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