Chapter - 24

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"what do you mean it's in New Zealand?" I ask, all though entirely understanding, i just had so many questions.

"like you're going to New Zealand to film?"
it was a stupid question which i knew the answer to, yet I still asked it.

Malachi nodded. I furrowed my eyes at him.

"why didn't you tell me you were auditioning?"

"because I- I don't know..." he responds, shrugging.

"because he didn't want you to flip out about him going to New Zealand." Stone finished what Malachi had started saying.

"what do you mean flip out? how would I have flipped out?" I ask, a little hurt on Stones accusation.

"I didn't say that. Stone, don't put words in my mouth. are kinda..." Malachi starts.

"she's kind of what?" Keira asks.

"clingy." Stone says, Malachi shoots him a hard glare.

"oh? you think i'm clingy? how am i clingy?" i feel myself growing angry at the situation and Stone talking for Malachi, I wouldn't have flipped out if he told me he was auditioning, and I'm not clingy.

"you're just, like, I don't know... I can't explain it but it's kinda like love bombing..." Malachi says.

"oh chat it's about to go down." Stone says. Keira slapping him in the arm.

I shoot stone a glare. What the fuck is going on.

"i'm not fucking clingy, if anything your the one 'love bombing' me." I honestly had no clue what I was saying, I was just caught up in the heat of the moment.

"how am I l-" I cut Malachi off before he can finish.

"if you would've told me you were auditioning I would've supported you, and i'll support you now, I just wish you told me."

Malachi nods his head.

"when do you leave?" I ask.

Malachi mumbles something, looking down.

"what?" I say, a bit worried, he only really mumbles when he's nervous.

"February" he speaks up, not making eye contact.

It's almost January, so like a little longer than a month.

"how long ago did you get the part?" I ask, intrigued how long he had been hiding this from me.

"a week." not as bad as I had thought, but i still wish he had told me.


I scoot closer towards Keira on the couch to be petty, who knows why, maybe to prove a point.

Keira puts her arm around me, "don't worry babe, you're my one and only" she whispers into my ear jokingly and I laugh.

Malachi and Stone giving each other a look.

Around 2 hours later, Keira runs upstairs and comes back with a box of pizza, placing it on the coffee table in front of everyone.

"oh i'm not that hungry." I say, having already had more than 800 calories today, I didn't wanna eat more.

Malachi rolls his eyes at my habit, and I look at him with a confused look on my face.

"what was the eye roll for?" I question, my tone coming out more harsh than intended.

Malachi shrugs, taking a slice of pizza and eating it.

Everyone else eats around me, I feel tempted but i'd rather resist and stay skinny.

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