Chapter 555: Sea of Heavens

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Translator: Atlas Studios
Editor: Atlas Studios

This human seemed to have sensed Mei Changge’s intentions as he turned back to report the situation.

“Reporting the situation, huh? Seems like this Fallen Phoenix Daoist isn’t as simple as they appear.”

A smile appeared on Mei Changge’s face. From the person receiving him and the way he addressed him, it could be seen that Fallen Phoenix Daoist had probably come here after a certain stargate shattered.

He did not know if it was someone he was familiar with, but Mei Changge did not dare to guess too much. After all, he knew from the waiter that the Sea of Heavens was extremely huge.

There were countless factions around, including the Great Ming Dynasty. Countless factions were rooted in the Sea of Heavens.

Of course, he did not know much from the waiter, but it could also prove that the Sea of Heavens should belong to the center of the myriad worlds. Just as Mei Changge continued to ponder, the door to the Phoenix Residence opened.

“Esteemed guest, my lord invites you.”

The servant who had just reported spoke with a respectful expression. Being personally instructed by his master to show more respect, it was evident that Mei Changge was not an ordinary visitor.


Mei Changge nodded and followed the servant into the Phoenix Residence. The Phoenix Residence was not particularly large, but it exuded an air of elegance.

Some of the pillars were carved with divine birds that looked like phoenixes. There were also rockeries and so on. It was very elegant.

Under the lead of the servant, Mei Changge was brought to a pavilion.

In the pavilion, a woman in a fiery red Daoist robe was brewing tea. The mist in the teacup overflowed with some spiritual energy.

“Welcome, esteemed guest. Please take a seat.”

When the woman in the fiery red Daoist robe saw Mei Changge being brought in, she smiled and gestured for him to relax.

“Fallen Phoenix Daoist?”

Looking at the woman in the fiery red Daoist robe in front of him, Mei Changge revealed a surprised expression. He did not expect the Fallen Phoenix Daoist to be a woman, and she looked very young. She was probably in her twenties.

“Why? Are you surprised?”

Fallen Phoenix Daoist smiled. Her voice was a little ethereal, but it gave Mei Changge a refreshing feeling.

It was very in line with the personality of a Daoist.


Mei Changge smiled and handed the Spirit Wine in his hand to the servant who brought him in.

“I came to visit and have prepared some gifts.”

With that, Mei Changge walked into the pavilion. Then, a woody fragrance assaulted his nose. It was unknown if it was the fragrance of the tea or the fragrance of Fallen Phoenix Daoist.

“Don’t need to stand on ceremony. You must be here to understand the situation in the Sea of Heavens, right?”

“And also the situation in Fallen Phoenix City?”

Fallen Phoenix Daoist smiled and did not refuse. Instead, she said bluntly.

“I guess I’m not the first one to ask.”

Upon hearing Fallen Phoenix Daoist’s question, Mei Changge nodded and looked at the tea in the teacup.

“Try my Fallen Phoenix Tea first. This is my exclusive tea. As for the Sea of Heavens, it’s very simple.”

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