chapter 19: let's party

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WARNING: Mentions of smoking and ed (eating disorder - anorexia) behaviour. A bit dark, but you can skip to the next chapter to read about Adriana and Celine's club mission. Love you all!

Fyi, I do not condemn smoking or eating disorders, yet, I put it into this story because it is part of my character as she does have a darker past than most people. I want to portray character development with this throughout the story. For anyone struggling with abuse of drugs or alcohol, you are seen, you are loved, it will get better.

Adriana wasted no time on ringing the doorbell near the gates and soon standing in front of the house. As the maid managed to open the door before me, I ran down the stairs, one hand on the railing as I watched her beaming smile get revealed. Her eyes were in shock when they finally found me and I silently thanked one of the maids for the gesture.

She was speechless at first, but I trusted her abilities to find her voice as I pulled her into a hug. Her familiar warmth and the hint of Carolina Hererra's Good Girl perfume comforted me and pulled me back into the world where I belonged. Back to us two against the world. Back to me and her.

"I- I think you managed me to lose my voice." She stuttered while her arms hung at first helpless to her sides, then finally answered my hug even tighter. I let out a giggle when I let go of her, noticing the suitcase standing next to her. It was a silver, middle - sized Rimowa case that I knew all too well. As well as I knew that only her makeup, accessories and outfit for the night fit into this.

"Okay, house tour later. We need to choose our clubs for tonight." I hurried her inside, grabbing her suitcase as she closed the door behind her. Secretly, I was scared that Mr. Bane would come walking down while Adriana was here, so I tried to get her up to my room as fast as possible.

"So, I checked a few websites and found two that we could choose from." It was the usual, I thought to myself, remembering our partying traditions. She nearly tripped as she walked backwards up the stairs, still explaining to me the difference between both.

When we finally got into my room without getting noticed by him, I let out a small sigh, leaning against the door once I dropped the suitcase. I watched as Adriana slowly took a spin as she found every detail of my new 'room'. It was like watching a little girl get a unicorn plush toy for her sixth birthday. I wished, only for a second, that I would have had the same expression when I first entered.

"And where is that mysterious Mr. Bane?" She asked jokingly as she made her way to my bed, feeling the decorative blanket on top of it. Only now I realized that it had been freshly made, but not from myself.

"Probably in his office, but it's better this way. Trust me, that guy is seriously annoying." She smirked when she finally laid down on the bed, swaying her arms as she touched the fluffy pillows.

"What? Annoying? I thought he was like, all handsome and secretive." Adriana looked at me confused when I caught her gaze and I suddenly felt like not wanting to talk about this anymore.

Every time I saw him, I could not even look into his eyes. I would feel this tingle, get goosebumps and nervous like a train wreck. I was not in middle school anymore and it was not like I had a crush on Mateo Bane, so why did my body always react to him like that? And he would always appear in the most disadvantaging moments, the ones where I definitely did not want him to be near me, but there he would be, standing, watching me. Sometimes he would have that grin in his face, his arms crossed in front of him and it would only make his shoulders appear more broad, if that was even possible. I seemed to always catch on to his tattoos, it was like a crime to tear my eyes away from them and I seriously wanted to find out how they fully looked.

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