Chapter 12: Twelve Minus One

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    The day Aporia lost her Diadem she didn't know that it would be her cost for the path she had chosen. She had been separated from Lilah for over 20 years. She'd been living as a mortal. And she had met Lin 5 years prior.

    He was everything opposite of Lilah. And while Aporia didn't share the same depth of love for him as she did Lilah, she loved him more than any man she had ever. She also loved the unborn life she had held in her womb more than anything that ever existed. Even more than her Queen; Lilah.

    Her Queen who knew once she walked into her chambers, that she was pregnant.

    "Your body reeks of mortality, My Pair. What have you done?" Lilah asked, her eyes wide as she gazed at Aporia's small baby bump.

    Aporia didn't know it then, but Lilah was being threatened by half of the other Twelve. Too many Immortals from sexual Sources were having sex with mortals. They feared a pregnancy would soon happen on either side. And there was Aporia glowing with it ripe in her belly. The first to be reported.

    Aporia didn't understand her anger as Lilah rushed to her. "You've no idea what you've done Aporia. This is beyond against our laws. You might be the first, but you won't be the last. Do you know what you've started?" Lilah asked panicked, grabbing her hands.

    Aporia frowned removing her hands from hers gently. "You worry too much. I'll pay the cost whatever it shall be. But I will have this child. As is my right."

    Lilah snapped back. She stood adorned in her gold crown and jeweled brassiere and sheer white skirt with a gold belt. She was still the most beautiful woman Aporia thought, but her reaction was ugly.

    "I'd never suggest you kill your child, but you do not understand what kind of position you've put me in. You being here reeking of mortality as you are. I am not the only one of us who'll feel it. Feel that you are changed. You should have come to me sooner, Aporia. Stated your desire with whatever mortal man whose impregnated you. I could have extended his life essence. I could've of given you anything you asked."

    Aporia lifted her chin. "You couldn't of given me this Lilah. A child. One who will be born away from this realm and all the poison we spew forth calling it divine."

    Lilah's eyes darkened. Her mouth tensed in a deep line. "Then you leave me no choice. GUARDS!"

    Before Aporia could react the Queen's Royal Guard, whom she once commanded surrounded her. Immediately bindings from the Original Source were placed on her wrist cutting Aporia off from her Source and power. They glowed brightly orange as Aporia screamed trying to release her magic to fight them. She had been prepared to take whatever punishment Lilah had deemed worthy, yet through their Binary Bond Aporia felt Lilah's dread. Knew this wasn't going to go well at all.

    "Lilah what is the meaning of this? What are you doing? I am not a threat. I didn't come here to fight."

    Lilah squared her shoulders. "With the Royal Guard as my witness, I hereby Banish you from The Royal Court of the Higher Realms. And I strip you of your position as one of The Twelve by the removal of your Diadem."

    The silence was so complete and so loud, Aporia could of heard a feather fall. It was as though no one breathed. Once a Queen or King made their ruling, it was final. The law was a magic all its own and Lilah's words was the wand. No one had their Diadem removed before. It was unheard of. So was a Immortal procreating with a mortal.

    "That will surely kill me and my child. This you cannot do Lilah!"

    "I AM YOUR QUEEN. You will address me as such; Aporia of Endless Night; The 3rd Immortal of The Twelve. I promise you, you and your offspring will survive your Diadem's removal. I give you my word."

    Aporia's heart raced in her chest hearing her True Name and Title said with a finality. A final nail in her coffin so to say.. Lilah walked forward her face completely empty. Her spirit closed off from Aporia as if they were never bonded. Never Binary. This was it between them. They'd never be the same.

    "Don't do this Lilah. My Queen."

    Lilah met her gaze, "I am your Queen no more. Hold her arms tightly, this will hurt and I don't need her hurting herself or the fetus."

    Six of the Royal Guards came close subduing Aporia as she struggled in the Original Source cuffs. It already weakened her. Now with some of the Higher Realms best soldiers that she trained herself holding her, Aporia was rendered helpless. "YOU ARE DEAD TO ME Lilah."

    Lilah nodded, her face still it's beautiful blank canvas. To think Aporia still ached for her as she was about to either kill her or rip her from her true self. It hurt even more. Lilah reached out her hand touching Aporia's shoulder where her Diadem lay unmoving because of the cuffs. "You may not believe me, my forever love; My Pair. But this hurts me just as much. I'm sorry."

    Aporia spit in her face. Saying nothing, her amber and sea blue-green eyes a mass of hate. She lifted her chin. She'd take this as the Warrior she was. No one had her duality. She walked her own path. She was the night given form from Light and Love finding her worthy. Lilah couldn't steal that from her; not even if this left her a shell of herself.

    Lilah wasted a moment no longer, her spirit blazed to life, her own Diadem flowing wildly beneath her brown skin. Aporia watched defiantly as Lilah's Diadem snaked down Lilah's arm, into her fingers where she touched Aporia's shoulder. The air was charged with her spirits malicious intent, her power heavy with raw authority. Her eyebrows pinched together and Aporia near screamed as she felt Lilah's Diadem meet hers. What used to be an intimate thing between them was now a whole violation as Lilah slowly started extracting Aporia's Diadem.

    The pain was unimaginable as Aporia's Diadem fought the onslaught. It tried with all its might. It was a part of her and didn't want to go. Clinging to her spirit and skin, her bones with all the strength it could muster. Still Aporia held back her screams until the first part of her Diadem was caught in Lilah's grasp. It looked like gold mercury squirming, trapped in Lilah's tight grip; a high pitched whining noise came from it. If they were all humans everyone's eardrums would've burst from the noise. Still she yanked her eye's blazing their dark eerie glow as her power surged. Soon the very room shook with her effort as Aporia's own spirit fought, despite it being a losing battle. The Royal Guards held her tight as she shook against the tortured assault.

    Her throat was raw by the time the last vestiges of her Diadem slipped from Aporia's skin. Her body went limp as Lilah gazed at the Diadem that was now a weak golden snake in her palms. That was the last image Aporia had before she lost consciousness.


    She woke the next day with a worried Lin shaking her. Her pregnancy had advanced to its final stages overnight after losing her Diadem. She didn't tell Lin what happened. He knew she was Immortal. Just not her story or who she was. It didn't matter to him. And for 8 years they had a beautiful life together.

    No, Aporia wasn't her full self but having her child had given her everything she ever wanted. Then that all was taken away too.


A/N: Truly been wanting to share this part a while. So I'm glad now's the time. I hope for those of you reading, that you genuinely enjoy. Again you guys are the unsung heroes. Please vote or comment; I love that  ish❤. And I'm just excited to share more. The story is almost close to an end and whose to say what will happen in book 2.... So please stay tuned. 😍

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