Part ten

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Hypno Pov-

 I sighed as I turned over on the bed. Time and Sabre had gotten me my own room but I just couldn't sleep. I felt like I was forgetting something extremely important. I had been here in this new realm with Sabre for about two weeks now and yet the entire time I felt like I was forgetting something.

 Sighing again I closed my eyes. I needed sleep so that I could think about this more in depth. I was planning on the morning to go talk to the Professor as people call him. I wanted to make sure that he cared about Sabre. The man's been through a lot in his life and from what he's told me he even died multiple times. I shook my head before letting sleep take me.


 I opened my eyes to a black and purple void? Abyss? Surrounding me. Confused and wary I looked around. After a moment I saw a figure that seemed to be standing there watching something. I slowly walked up to them before they spoke.

 "It seems as if this time when bringing you back I almost lost your connection Hypno Steve. It has been quite awhile since we last talked don't you think?" They asked before turning around and memories hit me like a brick.

 Origins takeover. The rainbow resistance. Rainbow's loss. Lucas's return. Nightmare bringing back rainbow. My first death. Galaxy saving void. Meeting her. And then Origin killing me non stop...

 "It has been quite awhile hasn't it... Reaper?" I spoke as she smiled from beneath her hood 

 "It seems as if seeing me has brought your memory back." She commented as I nodded.

 "Why am I here and not with everyone else?" I asked as her smile disappeared.

 "Hypno Steve... Origin is going to find a way to find Sabre. And when that happens I need you to help Sabre as best as you can. Lucas is still trapped in his half Steve state and as you know my only connection to the outside world is you and Galaxy." She explained as I flinched. Right.

 "But why me and not Galaxy?"

 "Sabre will listen to you more then him. Galaxy may have gotten smarter over the years but he did not have as much in common with him. You understand Sabre the most."

 "... How is everyone since I was brought here?" I found myself asking. She waved for me to stand next to her. When I did I saw a screen that showed what galaxy was seeing.

 "They have been morning for your loss. I cannot interact with Galaxy as you know other then seeing through his eyes and using him as a way to be able to revive the others. Although Lucas has been taking over that job over time."

 "So... You want me to help Sabre and Warn him?" I asked as she shook her head 

 "Yes and no. I want you to help Sabre but you cannot warn him. If you do he will stress over it and have a much higher chance of getting hurt. You and I both know that he will not die." She told me as I nodded knowing what she meant. She would not let him die.

 "After this..." I hesitated as she looked at me. "Could I try to get you to the real world again?"

 She smiled sadly as she looked back at the screen that now showed the rainbow town. "This is my curse Hypno. I cannot leave. We both know that. Now, it is time for you to wake up. I have kept you here for to long." 

 "See you later..."


 When I woke up I quickly got out of bed and and searched for the book and quill that was given to me. I wrote down what I had been told and took a shaky breath. Origin would find a way here. But I would not let him hurt Sabre. Not again.

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