Part twenty three

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?n? S???e pov-

It is time for me to reveal myself don't you think Reaper?


I know that you want me to wait to reveal all that I know but...


They need to know who I am soon...

Or they will not trust me when they need to...


I hope that Elan will forgive me for controlling him...


Sabre Pov-

 Just as Hypno came into the lab I started getting a Head ache. I didn't know why so I turned towards Professor Red to ask when I stumbled and Everything went black. The last thing I heard was them yelling Out my Name.


?n? S???e Pov-

 As I took control Of Elan's body He stumbled and Nearly fully fell unconscious. Thankfully He didn't so I could speak to his friends. Taking full control Is more exhausting now that I think about it. I heard a gasp From prof.Red as he looked over at me.

 "Sabre? Your Hair is fading into Purple!" The man exclaimed as I realized that The power was effecting Elan.

 "I am not Sabre." I Stated as the two froze before Hypno Spoke.

 "Your the One that Ross said was controlling sabre Aren't you?" He asked as I sighed.

 "Yes and No Hypno. I only control him when his past darkness attempts to control." I told him as Professor Red Looked confused.

 "Shadow Sabre?" He asked as I shook My head.

 "No. Shadow Sabre is nothing compared to his past." I started as I noticed the robot that Came into the room, Assistant steve. Turning towards Hypno Once more I spoke. "Be careful who you trust Hypno. Not always will they stay Good."

 "What do You mean?" He asked as I sighed. I couldn't stay in control for much longer.

 "I'll tell you when The time is right. For now, take this Riddle to find Out who I am." I said as The two listened closely.

"I'm A powerful blade,

Sharp and True,

Forged to strike fear in the hearts of few,

My name is a paradox,

A riddle to solve,

For I bring an end,

yet my purpose evolves.

In the hands of the skilled,

I dance with grace,

cutting through foes,

leaving no trace.

What am I,

This enigmatic steel?

A warrior's companion,

A force to be real." I finished as Elan's Body Collapsed. Well, At least I got the message across.

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