Waking up in the New World

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Edited by: Piamo


Atlas felt a pain in his head when he regained consciousness. He thought he would wake up in the hospital, but he found he was in a dark and damp place. He was lying on his side but he could move his limbs so he wasn't tied up. After feeling the material around him, he realized he was in a potato sack.

Wherever he was, it was moving vigorously, like a carriage on a dirt and rocky road. It was moving fast as if the people driving were running away from monsters.

With how bumpy the ride was, he could only assume that his head was hurting because he hit his head a little too hard on this moving vehicle.

"We need to hurry up before the sun sets," Atlas heard a man's voice say, "We need to get rid of this monster quickly."

"Understood, Master!" He was an older man who had been a driver his whole life.

It was the first time he had to move so fast, but the horses didn't mind. They, too, wanted to leave the forest as soon as possible.

The man called "Master" was a nobleman. The person driving the carriage was his personal driver.

The man mumbled to himself but he was sitting next to Atlas, so Atlas could hear him.

"He's got the blessing of the Evil Dragon God. Disgusting. We can finally get rid of him to appease the Light God."

Atlas couldn't see or understand these people well. He could make out bits and pieces of the conversation, but it was a completely foreign language to him. He didn't know how he even understood the bits and pieces of what was said.

The only words he knew were "monster", "evil", "god", and "rid."

Since he was the only one trapped in this small sack, he was probably the monster or the evil god they were trying to get rid of. But what did he do and why did they kidnap him? He was just eating ice cream, tripped, and hit his head on a light post. There was no need to treat him like he was the plague...

Why did someone decide to kidnap him when he should have gone to the hospital? This kind of treatment was barbaric. Wasn't he in the city? Why was he suddenly on a dirt road in a place where he could barely understand the language?

How did he even get here?

With so many questions, Atlas just focused on listening. He probably wasn't allowed to speak seeing he was in a potato sack. He wished they had given him a potato while he was sitting in the sack... He was feeling kind of hungry.

"We are far enough in the Great Dragon Forest. Let's drop him off here." The nobleman spat out his words like venom.

The nobleman's looks were average with his blond hair and blue eyes. He wasn't the most physically fit person but he was scrawny, like he hadn't eaten a good meal in days. Though he was by no means ugly, his facial expression contorted his face, making him look like an evil demon ready to kill their victim.

He looked completely different from the cursed child who had black hair and gold eyes. The blessings of the Evil God turned the child's hair and eye color at birth, showing no resemblance to himself or his wife.

The child had no name. They didn't want to give the cursed child a name at all.

Even though his wife, who had red hair and green eyes, gave birth to this abomination, they couldn't get rid of the child because he was born in the presence of priests. The priests knew of his existence.

The Holy Church wanted to use the child, who was blessed by the Evil Dragon God, as a source of magical energy, or mana, for the light users of the Holy Kingdom. Time and time again, though, they could not extract enough mana from the child.

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