Prince Ronan

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Edited by: Chip


Two days later, Prince Ronan arrived at the Alnhart estate wearing his usual outfit. He did not wear the hair and eye color-changing cloak, showing his silver hair and icy blue eyes.

At the entrance to the Alnhart mansion, Everet, Mirabelle, Cyrus, and Altas were waiting with a quarter of the servants. The ones chosen for this occasion were top-tier servants who had worked with the Alnhart family for over a decade.

Everyone was quiet and gave the proper bow to greet the Imperial family.

Atlas did his best to hold his surprise after seeing what Prince Ronan really looked like. He had the same features, just a different hair and eye color. If he had to describe Ronan, it would be an ice prince who was cold and unfeeling. Almost like a dark and cold winter, devoid of any life.

"Please, be at ease, Duke Alnhart and Duchess Alnhart. Thank you for accepting my request on such short notice." With Prince Ronan's signal, everyone finished their bow and stood as normal.

"It was no trouble at all, Your Imperial Highness," Duke Alnhart spoke for the rest of the family. "It is an honor to have you visit us for the sake of giving thanks to Atlas."

"Let us go inside and enjoy our conversation in the parlor room."

With that, most of the servants dispersed to do their jobs while the Alnhart family, except for Sirius, and Prince Ronan moved over to the parlor room. Everyone's trusted servants followed them.

As tea and snacks were being placed on the coffee table, everyone took their seats on the sofa. There were four sofas, so Everet and Mirabelle sat on one, Cyrus and Atlas shared a sofa, while Prince Ronna sat on his own.

After getting settled, Prince Ronan looked over at his butler, Tristan Xanoni. Tristan was from a family of Counts who had been serving the Imperial family since the Hirean Empire's founding. He had long dark brown hair that was always in a braid. He also had brown eyes, showing that Earth was his strongest magic attribute. He wore a traditional butler's outfit with the crest of the Imperial family on his suit jacket.

Ronan motioned Tristan to come over because he was holding Atlas' thank you gift.

"Lord Atlas, please accept this gift as thanks for saving my life several days ago." He grabbed the gift from his butler and then handed it over to Atlas. "I do not know your preferences, but I do hope you will enjoy the gift that I got you."

"Thank you, Your Imperial Highness," Atlas accepted the gift and did his best to speak formally, but he sounded a little awkward. "It was no trouble at all saving you."

For some reason, Atlas felt Ronan could have beaten the assassins himself if he was given the chance. Was it Atlas' instincts from when he was living in the forest?

Atlas was taught that it was not proper to open up gifts in front of the person in case you are unable to hold in your expression, especially if you dislike it, so Atlas just held on to the gift and didn't ask what was inside.

Ronan smiled but everyone could see there were no emotions in his eyes. "How kind of you."

After that, there was a long silence that Atlas did not know how to break. This was not in his etiquette lessons...

Everet saw Atlas' look for help, so he coughed to get everyone's attention. "Your Imperial Highness, is there anything else that you need from the Alnhart family today?"

Atlas took a sip of his tea because he didn't know what else to say. If his mouth was occupied, wouldn't that mean he didn't have to talk? It was his only solution.

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