Chapter 5

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"My little dragonet going to a new continent? CERTAINLY NOT! You don't even have half the brain to navigate or a quarter of one to make your own decisions you goat brain!" His mother roared as he told her the news.

"Too bad! It's the queen's orders so I have to go and you can't stop me you miserable lizard!" Wedgetail roared back at her before going to pack his things for the trip. He put in food from the cupboard which had been salted and dried for the winter or in case they got trapped in an avalanche. He stuffed it in a bag big enough to carry which could be strapped on his back without obstructing his wings. He then stuffed in a single horn ring, some empty scrolls and an ink pot to take notes and a rolled up leaf bed. What else did he need?

"COME BACK HERE YOU UNGRATEFUL LIZARD! I PUT YOU IN THIS WORLD AND I CAN TAKE YOU OUT OF IT!" His mother continued to scream as he packed his things. He packed some medical supplies just in case and some bowls filled with water, putting lids on them and tying the lids on with rope. He looked around his room, this was probably the last time he would see it. The light drifting in through the window, the dust dancing around, his pure white bed and his desk for studying. He strapped the bag on and flew out the window just as his mother burst into his room.

"COME BACK HERE!" She yelled before giving chase. His mother was much older and had much bigger wings so as he flew, the mountain landscape beneath him, she quickly gained. She clawed at his tail and he winced in pain, but he had a trick up his wing. He dove straight down. The wind rushed past his face as his mother swerved downwards to give chase but he was descending too fast for her. He opened his wings last second, his talons skimming the ground, as he went at insurmountable speeds forwards, he pulled up his mother far behind him. He ducked and weaved between the mountain peaks and the boulders on the slopes and the steep, sharp cliffs. Before long the palace was in sight and he dived down and landed. His mother came hurtling down in a ball of rage towards him before being met by cold, sharp steel.


"I'm sorry ma'am but we can't let you through, Wedgetail here has permission from the queen herself and has important business with her, please leave or we will have to make you leave ourselves." The guard said calmly as he struggled with the other guard to hold her back. She eventually left and Wedgetail went to the council chamber, still being uneasy about the whole situation.

"Wedgetail, welcome, welcome. We'll be ready to set you on your way in a few days. Just rest up here first and we'll talk to you about the specifics." The queen said before getting a servant to lead him to a room in the palace. The room was well kept, with a plump couch and bed. The bed was veiled with glittering Ruby red fabrics. There were several food and water bowls as well as tables and candles everywhere. Wedgetail spent most of the afternoon lounging around before being summoned to the library by a servant. He got lost in the gold inlaid halls before asking a servant for directions. When he finnally arrived at the library the queen and the ancient dragon from before were sitting at a table with the same faded yellow scroll. He sat down before the Old dragon cleared his throat.

"The journey from pyrriah to ramulus will not be easy. It is 4 times the length of pyrriah in terms of distance apart and there are no known Islands. I wonder if Wedgetail, the one before you that is, used his magic to travel there..." The old skywing said before trailing off.

"Besides the point, you will need something to help you travel, how will you sleep along the way?" Queen Ruby said, obviously hoping for suggestions. An idea bubbled in Wedgetail's mind.

"I remember reading about these inventions called 'boats' invented in darkstalker's time. They were, ironically, made by seawings to traverse the ocean and show it off to guests from other tribes. They used a devise called an anchor to stay still in the water, so what if I used one to stay still in the air? I could tie it to myself, drop it into the water and the fall asleep mid air." Wedgetail said as they all thought about it.

"It wouldn't work, how could you carry it? But what if you tied a simple, small boat to yourself and dragged it on the water. When you need to sleep just land on the boat. This would also allow you to carry more supplies." The old council member said. Why hadn't Wedgetail thought of that? He was stupid, but he new he would figure it out eventually on his own, he didn't need other dragons.

"Well it's settled then, you use the boat contraption to travel across the ocean." Queen Ruby said before she dismissed them.

For the next few days Wedgetail sat and waited for the boat to be constructed. He had heard news of the entire sea kingdom being infected and that there were dragons trying to sneak past the quarantine borders to get to safety. It was the day he would set off and he flew to the shore. There were some ruins from an old skywing camp behind him, not much remained but the stone walls itself. He watched as servants loaded food and supplies onto the boat. He tied a harness onto himself and everyone wished him great luck.

"May the skies be clear Wedgetail! Come back as soon as you can!" The old dragon roared into the wind. As the flew off he realised he never learnt his name.

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