Okay sure

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Artemis got down on one knee...
"Stella Luna Samrid, you are my one true love, no matter what you go threw or what I have done you still love me and now I want to return this love, so will you marry me?"
I was so speechless, I think a bunch of gibberish came out of my mouth. I mean, my dream guy was asking me to marry him! Now I know we're only seniors in high school but when things are this rough you gotta take what you can get.
"O-okay s-sure" I said completely shocked, I mean I could have said so many better things there but no. Okay sure was the thing that came out of my mouth, ugh gosh I'm so stupid.
Artemis put the ring on my finger, it's was beautiful. It had an amethyst in the center and then a bunch of jade around it. He knew I never wanted a diamond ring because they were so expensive and overrated. I can't help to think it's early though, were still in high school but right now there's so many things going on that this is a relief. Knowing that I'm going to spend my life with this half crazy man makes me feel good.
"So youw married now?" David asks and I giggle "no honey, I'm gonna be married soon though." I show him my ring and he smiles. David walks up to Artemis and buffs out his chest and checks "if you huwt my sistew, I'll send a dwagon on you." Artemis laughs and pats David's head. "I promise I won't." And he smiles. Gosh, ever sense I met Artemis, his smiles always gave me butterflies. I remember the first day of Freshman year when i was a mess, tangled hair and stuff. I was walking into orientation when I saw him. I thought "gosh we'd never be friends" and soon enough. He was sitting next to me and asking me all kinds of questions. I couldn't help but stair into his ice grey eyes and from that point on we were best friends.
He asked me out in grade 10 and I couldn't believe it. Artemis was so popular among the girls at my school, but he chose me. I mean he had cheer leaders all over him but he saw something in me no one else did.
It was Saturday morning and I was home alone with David. My mom probably went to get some vodka or something. I sat up in my bed and looked at my hand with the amethyst stone and sighted with happiness. Then a beautiful smell wafted into my room. Was I really alone?
     Artemis was in the kitchen, cooking! Gosh it smelled amazing! I wobbled into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Good morning love, the food smells great". Artemis smiled at me. "I know it smells good because I made it". I rolled my eyes and went up to hug him. "You're as egotistical as ever" I said and smiled. Artemis left the food to cook for a little bit, he was making pancakes and French toast with bacon, I can't wait to eat it. Anyways, he sat down and smiled at me. "If I ever die, I'll die a happy man knowing that I'm in love with you, Stella Luna". I smiled down at him "I feel the same way Artemis
After breakfast was done, we went upstairs to get David and take him on a walk up to the park, it's was a bit chilly so I dressed in jeans with a warm sweater, a leather jacket with a wool scarf and black boots. Artemis was also in jeans with a pair of converse, a hoodie with a jean jacket over it, he came down with David who was also dressed like him. I rolled my eyes and Artemis smiled. "What? I couldn't help myself!" He said. I looked at him and realized we were so similar. "So one of us has to change and it's not going to be me". Artemis rolled his eyes, so we made our way out of the house looking like hipsters, oh well.
I'm happy I get to marry that dork.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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