Chapter one

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So let me tell you about the truth. It doesn't suck, it's not always ugly, humans just overreact. But yes, truth can suck, high school is teaching me that. Guys can be dicks. So can girls. I'll tell you now, life isn't that bad if you know who to be around. Like for example, not my parents

It was Christmas Day when my parents told me they were splitting up, I mean c'mon it's Christmas, can't you tell us later? Out of all my family members I think my little brother David took it the hardest. David is a bit slow so he can ack like a toddler a lot but I don't mind, he's my little brother after all. And I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who loves him anymore. My father joined the Peace Core, David and I love it when we get letters from him. Once we got bracelets an African woman wove out of para cord my dad had on him. We wear them every day.

Now my mom, that's a different story, ever sense the divorce she's been drinking. I'm surprised her liver hasn't given out yet. But she becomes violent when she's drunk so I'll keep David in my room. We'll play board games together to get our minds off of my drunken excuse for a mother but when she gets home around 2 I haft to leave to go to work. Sadly, I work at Wendy's right after school so I'll go home, hop in my dad's car (we own it because he can't), call my boyfriend Artemus and be on my way.

Artemus is a saint. He's helped me threw so much. And he's so good with David, even when I get home at 6 Artemus will stay to help David out with his homework till I'm done with mine. Artemus is my rock and I couldn't do anything without him, he even excepts my secret.

For those of you that don't know, I can talk to the dead. It was scary when my dead grandmother showed up in my bedroom after her funeral. Then she told me everything about what I could do, I didn't want to tell anybody because people would think I was insane and they were already skeptical about my grandmother, now I just get sympathetic looks from them because of my mother.

Now that you know a bit about my life, let the story begin

The insane life of Stella LunaWhere stories live. Discover now