The sacrifice

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I felt a splash of water in my face and I started to regain consciousness

I opened my eyes and found my grandmother, mother and Father looking at me, all concerned

A woke up by placing my hand on my head as it was hurting a lot.

"Are you ok"? My mother asked.

"Yes, I think so.". I said faintly

I blinked for some time and proceeded everything that is happening
All the things that happened in the cousin crossed my mind and I said looking at my father.

"Why did you do this pita ji "?[Father]

"I had no other choice Awantika ". He said turning his eyes away from me

Why? I asked

Then I continued by saying
Didn't you all said that I had two choices
Either to be consort of Prince Akshat or marry prince of Rudragarh

"Yes it was but it's not anymore ". He said

I was shocked to hear him and I asked

"What? Why?"

He looked at me and in a firm tone said

"Yesterday after midnight Prince Aditya came into my chamber unannounced. He asked me to get you married to him and that too within 2 days.. If I disagree with him then his guards will kill each and every individual of Pratapkila.
He also said that it is for your and our people's benefits"

I was shunned to speak. In disbelief I asked

For me?

He didn't said anything then I continued

"He has done it for himself and you agreed because you care about people more than you care about me."

My mother interrupted me by saying

"Awantika! Control your mouth. He is your father"

"No. He is the king.
My father will never do such a thing without asking me.
He invited that person in our house, he gave him food, and treated him like a guest after all the things he has done to me."

My father face turned a bit red and seriousness prevailed in his face. He said

"You are right Awantika. I am a king and my people come first and then my family.
I did this for the sake of my subjects"

I felt betrayed and I was hurt hearing him. In a crying tone I said

"Am I not your subject" ?

He looked into my eyes and said

"You are my subject but you also are a Princess.
For the sake of people someone needs to give sacrifice. If I have to sacrifice myself I would do it and if I have to sacrifice my daughter for them I am going to do it."

His words broke me. My heart broke into millions of pieces. My own family has made me some guine pig whom they are slaughtering
I looked at him blankly and he came near me and said

"You are Princess of Pratapkila and you have to obey the command of your king."

He then moved back and said

"Start preparing for the wedding. We don't have enough time "

He then left and I burst into tears
My mother and grandmother hugged me but nothing can console me now.

Awantikaditya - A Story Of Love ,Lust And RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now