There's No Escape

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His face, his arms, the bodyless head, the blood

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His face, his arms, the bodyless head, the blood. I started seeing all these things and suddenly I opened my eyes and wake up in a shock

I sat on the bed and my eyes was wide open. I felt suffocated and I started taking fast, short heavy breaths.

I looked around and it was not my chamber . I turned my head to my right and I saw him sitting beside my bed in a chair.

He was wearing a white kurta and pajama and I couldn't see any blood on him. His head was turned backside and I realised that he was sleeping.

I immediately removed my blanket and stood up. I looked at him again and he was still sleeping. I started walking out of the chambers and started running in the corridors.

While I was running I realised that it was not my home. I slowed my walk and I started looking around. I saw servants washing off the blood off the floor.

They heard my anklet and started looking at me but they didn't do anything. They continued doing their work.

I didn't stop and suddenly I bumped into something. I thinned my eyebrows in pain and looked up and it was soldiers

I immediately turned around but they grabbed my arms.

I started yelling

"Leave me !"

"Leave me right now !"

I started jerking my arms but their grip was tight.

They started taking me into the same chamber from where I ran.

I yelled


We entered the room and he was still sitting on his chair but now he was awake

He has kept on of his leg on his other leg and his fingers were touching his chins.

He was looking at me and I was terrified. I stopped moving and straighten myself

He signaled his guards and the pushed me towards him and left my arms

I rubbed my arms with my palms as their grip was hurting me.

Awantikaditya - A Story Of Love ,Lust And RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now