25 - First Kiss

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long ep but worth the wait? 


"Taehyung, who are you going with to the dance party?"

His eyes lingered over Seokjin who sat far away.

"Does it matter?"

He questioned abruptly, still uninterested in whatever she talked about. HyeJin was the one name he never wanted to hear again. He never liked her, it was hard to accept. His ears and cheeks turned red whenever he spotted Seokjin, not when HyeJin was near him. His friends made him believe he did like her, which was never the case.

The so-called type of his he described to HyeJin was something Jungkook believed suited him- cuter girls, not he himself. He always did what others asked him to-  even selecting small things like his favourite ice-cream. He threw away his favourite because HyeJin found it childish, participated in the sports club because all the girls wanted to.

But with Seokjin it was different. He had this healing personality and comforting character, Taehyung felt free when he was with Seokjin. He never had to act. Seokjin never judged, he'd simply smile and pat his head if he said something unusual or weird. 

"It's like a mini version of prom, always a couple ends up as the pr-"

"I'm not interested, I'm sorry."

Jimin entered waving his arm. He had to avoid Jimin- particularly Jimin.

"Hey, you finally came after your 2 day break huh."

Taehyung was avoiding him. Jimin would say some stupid emotional shit and it would definitely make him cry all again.

"Avoiding me won't help, Loverboy."

He was fed up with the term. Seokjin ignoring him for the past week made sense. He was avoiding Taehyung so that it would hurt less- and maybe he should've sticked too that because it was like hell. All Seokjin wanted to do was just thank him- Taehyung was the one person who treated him kindly, made him feel comfortable and wanted- maybe not anymore.

Taehyung had his own flaws and he never saw one in Seokjin.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"Ask him out."

"I don't want to."

HyeJin entered throwing her bag near Taehyung as she seated down, Jimin rolled his eyes irritatedly. Seokjin wasn't even sparing a look, Jungkook was god knows where and Jimin was of no help- Yongsun was being avoided by most girls since HyeJin did not like her- whatever in the high school shitshow it was.

"Why? you like him and there's nothing wrong in-"

"I fucking don't!"

His voice was loud enough for Seokjin to hear from the corner. He didn't say anything and continued scrolling through Nini's picture. She was dead all because of his negligence and lack of care. 

Taehyung had already made his mind, if Seokjin was going to leave- at least he'd leave without a heavy heart and persistent feelings for Taehyung. It would be better if he left with hard-feelings for Taehyung, that'd hurt less to both of them.

All Taehyung had to do was just make Seokjin hate him, loathe him to a point that he'd rather consider leaving than seeing Taehyung's face again. At least Seokjin would be free from all the monsters surrounding him.

The one he Likes (Taejin)Where stories live. Discover now