23 - Do You Think This Is Love? (1)

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my favourite song's 10 min loop, trust me i stopped listening to lana years ago but this one song has my heart. just give it a chance while reading.

oh, and don't forget to comment ,i've been low with interactions :<

do comment how you feel about this one chapter, im curious to see how yall react


"Hey. Taehyung!"

Jimin exclaimed patting his friend's back. Taehyung was lost, staring at the blank page of his notebook. A whole week of Seokjin ignoring him passed. Taehyung stopped trying, it was meaningless anyways. The semester thankfully was coming to an end.

"He didn't come yesterday. What do you think must've happened?"

He heard two of his colleagues discussing.

"Who cares anyways? Not like we know anything about him, even if he was killed. None of us would ever know, or care enough to know."

They probably didn't know HyeJin and him were siblings. No one in the University except for Jungkook, Jimin, Yongsun, him and a few other  knew because  HyeJin didn't want anyone to know, she found him embarrassing.


He mumbled listening to their words. He was probably sick of seeing Taehyung's face each and every tine. Taehyung even considered the thought of changing his collage if it helped him.

"Don't be tensed. He's at his hou-"

Taehyung stood up confidently, walking towards HyeJin who was busy talking to her new friends.

"HyeJin, where is he?"

He questioned. HyeJin ignored his presence, continuing with her talks. 

"Where is he?"

He questioned again getting no response from her.


One of her friends asked as HyeJin sighed, deliberately ignoring him again. Taehyung snatched the phone from her hand as she scoffed at his actions.

"Your brother."

Her friends were shocked. The girl bit her lower-lip nervously, glaring at Taehyung before speaking up.

"I don't know. Maybe in some old rich man's lap sucking him off? How clueless you are huh?"

Her tone was harsh and insulting.

"I don't have time for answering your made-up assumptions about him. I just want to know how he is."

Jimin watched the two converse. He always hated HyeJin- he was the first person Seokjin trusted enough to tell who his sister was. Seokjin always asked him to not hate her, and he failed at it miserably. Seeing her face straight up ruined his day and mood, but presently there was not much difference between him and HyeJin.

"I said I don't know, can't you fucking listen? He's probably rotting in his room with that bitch Nara feeding him,washing his undies- I-I don't care man. My parents are out right now, so I believe he's probably alive right now. If that answers your question, fuck off."

She snatched her phone back leaving her friends scared. No one ever saw Kim HyeJin angry, ever. Since high-school she was always known as the good girl. Her parents adored her, teachers, friends, everyone.

The one he Likes (Taejin)Where stories live. Discover now