28 - A Morning Kiss

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"How are you feeling?"

Jimin had no words or questions in his mind. All he wanted to do was just meet him once, see his face up close again.

" I don't know."

The only person Seokjin was angry at was him- Jimin. The only person he ever trusted, yet he was betrayed. Unlike with Taehyung, he seemed cold and disappointed in Jimin.

"I-I don't know how to put this but-"

He said taking a long breath, holding Jin's hands.

"No will hurt you ever again. Taehyung will always be on your side."

Seokjin smiled at his words. They were nostalgic.

"No will ever hurt you again in your life. I'm always be your side."

Jimin engulfed his best friend in a tight hug. Seokjin stared at him, locking eyes as he comfortably buried his face in the latter's neck. Jimin was warm and he made some unrealistic promise to him at the age of sixteen. Yet Seokjin did believe him.


Jimin nodded hurriedly, wrapping his hands around the latter's waist. He wished he could stay like that, forever.


Seokin gave a half-hearted smile as Jimin simply sat there, in complete silence playing with his hand.

"Speak up."

Jin said in a serious tone freeing his hand.

"I'm sorry."

That was by far the most genuine apology he heard from someone. Jimin couldn't look up, he had no guts or courage to. Heart filled with guilt and regret, it was embarrassing but the truth was he wanted to stay near,

"I needed you. I needed you the most. Why did you leave me?"

Jimin gulped nervously. He had no answer to it. Or maybe he did, but staying silent was a better choice. Seokjin's hand went over his hair, softly caressing them


"Seokjin-ah, I hope you have no problem adjusting."

Taehyung's mother said as the younger smiled. He was discharged after 2 days, in a better shape but not completely healed. Taehyung sat next to him- he had been spending most of his time looking after Seokjin at the hospital. His parents were going through a divorce, there were no charges against his father since they basically had no proof or evidence. The pastor was being protected under him too.

Taehyung had been silent, very silent and lost since the past days.

"I think I like staying in your house more."

Seokjin confessed looking at a completely lost and unaware Taehyung.

"That's good. I like having you around, you are just so adorable and sweet. Once you heal, teach me how you make those cupcakes."

The younger nodded happily. Except him, everyone had long faces- his mother, Taehyung, Jimin, Yongsun and even HyeJin.

"What do  you prefer? Pizza or Korean food?"

She asked slowing down the car, they were near the food court. He thought for a moment before answering.

"Whatever Taehyung likes."

She was taken aback by his silly words. Taehyung was busy in his own thoughts, he looked tensed nonetheless.

"I think it would be better if he eats homemade food. Please stop by the grocery."

His mother finally spoke up. Taehyung's mom gave her an assured nod.


"What's wrong?"

Seokjin asked softly as Taehyung sat down on his cot. The balcony door was opened, an evaporating air cooler kept in front blowing chilly cold air. Seokjin laid in front idly, eyes fixed on their small garden. It was one of the most relaxing things he could do in midst of the hot summer season.

His mother entered carrying a tray with 2 summer drinks- handing each to them both. Seokjin sat back up-straight, smiling as the lady softly patted his head. 

"Drink up Taehyunga."

Seokjin commented playfully, keeping his glass aside. Taehyung hurriedly sipped his drink, his tired eyes fixed outside. Seokjin nudged him to lay down, then lied down next to him. Taehyung's hand went over his hair, his apologetic eyes fixed on Seokjin who moved closer, laying his head on his friend's chest.

"You're so beautiful."

Taehyung said in a low-tone making Seokjin blush. Jin softly pecked his lip before wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck, his head laying against Taehyung's chest. 

Taehyung's warmth provided his a sense of comfort and security, he closed his eyes sleepily listening to Taehyung humming a tune in his low-baritone voice. Seokjin was asleep in no time. Taehyung stood up, shutting the air-cooler off and closing the balcony door. He turned the A.C on, tucking Jin in the sheets properly before leaving his room.

His mother and Seokjin's mom were sitting outside. He sat down beside his mother, laying his head in her lap surprising Seokjin's mom- unlike her family, they were a lot closer.

"I can't do it."

Taehyung confessed taking a deep breath as the lady continued caressing his hair softly.

"What's wrong Taehyung?"

She asked in a much sweeter and calmer voice.

"I can't pretend as if nothing happened."

He shot back angrily. Anger- His thoughts were preoccupied by it. He was angry at everyone- at the irresponsible adults, his cruel friends, himself and even Seokjin- who was simply pretending as if nothing ever happened.It angered him how calm and ignorant he was.

"You don't have to. We'll hire a better lawyer. Seokjin seems to be doing fine."


He scoffed  at her words.

"Mom how can you say that? He's acting as if nothing ever happened. He's not even prepared to accept what happened- How could you even say that? He blames himself- which is why he never talks mom. He's not fine at all. Can't you tell?"

He was on the verge of crying. Ever since they met- he and Seokjin's mother, he had been avoiding the lady. He was enraged and resentful towards the adults- When even adults don't act like adults, who are the children supposed to rely on?

"Don't worry. Leave it to us adul-"

"I'm fed up with this nonsense. You adults are the ones at fault. If you all were a little responsible, maybe this situation would never arise."


"Good Mornin-"

Taehyung held him by his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. A passionate one- Taehyung seemed desperate and Seokjin was nervous yet he tried his best to keep up with Taehyung- something was going on with him, Seokjin could tell. 

He separated himself from a completely flustered and shy Jin, Taehyung gently brushed his thumb over his lips placing a peck on his cheeks. He simply stared at the boy who was too hesitant to even lock eyes.

"D-don't do that so randomly. I wasn't prepared, I suck at kissing."

Seokjin confessed. His big eyelashes fluttering prettily- he was someone truly out from a fantasy novel, Taehyung could sit back and admire him all day long.

The one he Likes (Taejin)Where stories live. Discover now