Chapter. 11

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The next morning, Sodo gets woken up by the sound of Mountain shifting and leaving the bed, his body curling up around a pillow when the earth-ghoul's rough hand rubs through his hair.

Mountain has always been a morning person, always one of the first ghoul to leave a cuddle pile and go straight to his greenhouse or make coffee/hot chocolate for everyone. And this fact just makes Sodo miss Swiss even more.

He feels a pang of longing in his chest, longing for the multi-ghoul's warmth, his scent, his annoyed grumbles whenever Sodo tries to wiggle his way into his arms in the morning, or the lazy good morning kisses to which he usually wakes up to.

The fire-ghoul turns on his stomach and buries his face into the pillow, growling against the fabric out of annoyance while his tail flicks through the air.

"What got you so grumpy?" Mountain's soothing voice rings through the air over to the shorter ghoul, who is burying his face more into the pillow, these words only making him more agitated.

"None of your business." He grumbles, his voice barely reaching the earth-ghoul due to the pillow.

The taller lets out a sigh and runs a hand through his hair before slipping on his shirt. "Mind telling me without a whole pillow stuffed into your mouth?" He asks, earning himself a snarl in response. "If you continue this, you can leave." Mountain sighs sternly, looking over at Sodo, who is quick to roll out of the bed and stomp out of the room.

Back to his old self.. that's not good..

Sodo stomps through the hall over to his room, bumping shoulders with a still half asleep Rain and snarling at him, making them jump aside a bit and look after the fire-ghoul worried, flinching as he bangs his door shut behind him.

The water-ghoul quickly skitters over to Mountain's room, opening the door just enough to poke their head through. "Hey, is Sodo okay..?" He asks, his voice holding a tone of hesitancy as he watches the tall man turn around and smile at him.

"Yea, he'll be okay." The taller replies while gesturing for Rain to come inside, watching the water-ghoul slip through the crack and waddle over to him. "He'll be okay.." Mountain reassures the other as he hugs them and kisses the top of their head. "Just missing Swiss.."

Rain nods and nuzzles his face into the earth-ghoul's chest, purring softly as the taller wraps his arms around them. "Can we help him..?"

Mountain sighs softly while rubbing one of his big hands over Rain's back. "I'm not sure how to help besides just being there for him in case he comes to you.." He replies, knowing the response he gave doesn't really give them an answer.

Rain looks up at the tall ghoul, his gaze soft and still sleepy, the expression making the earth-ghoul chuckle. "Cuddles..?" They ask quietly, knowing that Mountain doesn't really like staying in bed long and be unproductive in the mornings.

"Cuddles.." He sighs and nods his head in reply to the question, his expression turning to a soft smile as he sees Rain's smile and their tail gently wagging from side to side.


Sodo growls as he paces around the room, trying to take deep, slow breaths while his tail flicks around, nearly wacking the wall and the side of the bed. "FUCKING HELL." He yells out, a few sparks flying up from his tail spade as he fails to prevent himself from punching the stone wall, a sharp pain shooting through his knuckles and wrist into his arm, small beads of blood pour out of the split open skin. "Shit." He grumbles while slowly opening and closing his now shaky hand.

The fire-ghoul jumps as his phone suddenly goes off, cursing under his breath as he fumbles to get it out of his pocket and picks it up. "What.?" He snaps into the speaker, his voice sharp and almost threatening, his expression softening a bit as he hears a familiar voice.

"Wow, there, Spitfire." Swiss chuckles with a small, worried tone. "Everything okay? Mountain texted me to check up on you."

Sodo feels himself get even more angry, but this time at himself. He sighs as he leans against the wall, slowly starting to calm down as he hears the multi-ghoul talk, not really able to make out what the taller ghoul is saying, but just the sound of his soothing voice is able to calm him. "Swiss.. I don't like this.."

"Don't like what? What happened?" Swiss asks, his voice filled with worry which cracks the fire-ghoul's heart. "Are you okay?"

He hates hearing his boyfriend worry, especially when it's about him. The shorter ghoul takes a deep breath, collecting his thoughts and calming down from his rampage. "Not really.." He admits, already hating that he's just dumping all this on the multi-ghoul. "I'm turning to my old self again, and I hate it.. I hate it so much.."

"What do you mean you're turning back to your old self?" Swiss asks, his voice still soothing and soft like always when he speaks with Sodo.

"I'm angry and agitated all the time, I want to rip my ears off by the slightest noise. My head is just buzzing.. satanas I snapped at Mountain and Rain.." The shorter ghoul explains while burying his face into his arms. "I also punched my wall... who the fuck does that?!"

"Is your hand okay?" Was the first thing coming back to him from the other.

"Yea.. my knuckles are bleeding a bit.. but I didn't hear or feel any cracking.." Sodo replies, his gaze shifting to his injured hand, watching the bruised and split skin as he slowly moves his fingers individually. "I'm such a fucking idiot.."

"Hey, Firefly.." Swiss sighs softly on the other end, the nickname and the multi-ghoul's voice making Sodo's ears perk up. "It will be okay.. are you fully calm again?"

"Yes, yes I am.." The shorter mutters and lets his head drop back, tearing his eyes away from his injured hand to instead stare at the ceiling. "Swiss.. I really don't like this.. I just want you with me right now.."

Sodo can hear a sad sigh before the other speaks again. "I know.. I know.. I would give everything to be with you right now too.." Swiss pauses for a moment before he adds. "Please go to Aether.. he'll heal your hand and maybe has some way to lift your mood.. I'll see if I can bribe my way out here earlier than a week.."

A small smile tugs at the corners of the fire-ghoul's lips at these words. "Thank you.." He mutters softly. "And I will.."

"I love you so much.." the multi-ghoul speaks, the smile on his lips audible in his voice. "Will you be okay..?"

Silence. Sodo stares at the opposite wall, thinking about the question. Will he be okay? He knows that the last time he had a random anger outburst like this, he would not have been okay to stay alone.

"Can you stay on the phone with me a while longer?"

A sigh, followed by the noise of a breath being sucked in through teeth is heard on the other end of the line before Swiss answers a moment later. "Yea, I can.." He replies with a soft and sympathetic sounding voice. "But I'm not sure for how long.. I'm sorry.."

Sodo sighs and drags his hand through his long hair, closing his eyes and trying to imagine that it is Swiss playing with his hair, the thought making him smile a bit. "It's okay.. I'll go to Aeth. He managed to handle my angry ass for years, so I think I'll be okay."

"Good.." Swiss sighs. "I love you so much, and I'll try to be back as soon as possible."

"I know." He smiles softly while pushing himself up from the ground and makes his way to Aether's room. "And you better be, I'm literally losing my mind here."

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