Chapter 43

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"Well, I was curious, so I went to --" Hermione began, but Harry, Ron, and I quickly cut her off. She had become obsessed with finding who this new author of Harry's precious book was, and she couldn't seem to let it go. All of our conversation this morning consisted of, was her wondering who this Half-Blood Prince could be. 

"The library," we all said in unison, and she just rolled her eyes. "And nothing. I couldn't find a reference anywhere to a Half-Blood Prince," she complained, as we continued over the bridge that lead to Hogsmeade. 

Harry had asked me first thing this morning if I wanted to join him and the lot down in Hogsmeade. Of course I had said yes, even though I didn't really feel like socializing at the moment. Between quidditch practice in the mornings and afternoons, homework, and exams, I was pretty exhausted all of the time.

"There we go. That settles it, then," Harry added, before all of our attention was brought to Professor Slughorn talking to Professor Flitwick, quite loudly if I might add. "Does anyone fancy a Butterbeer?" Harry asked, as he began to make his way towards The Three Broomsticks, not even giving us a chance to oblige. 

As we walked in, we quickly began to take off our layers of clothing; it was quite warm in the pub. "Not over there. This table here," Harry hissed at Ron, as he tried to maneuver his way around him, keeping a close eye on Slughorn. I eventually caught on to what he was up to, and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of annoyance. 

"I take it you didn't invite me here for a friendly get together, huh?" I whispered, as we made our way into our seats, and he just offered me a shrug of his shoulders. "Dumbledore's orders," he tried, but I just rolled my eyes. 

Just as I looked up to see where Slughorn was, I noticed Draco coming around the corridor. As we made eye contact, I could tell something was off; he looked stressed and exhausted, and his body had tensed up tremendously once he saw us.

Just as I had taken a step towards him, he quickly turned the other way and made his way out the back door. "Well, that was weird," I sighed, as I made my way over towards Harry and sat beside him, Hermione and Ron settling in front of us. 

"Something to drink?" a guy asked, and Hermione politely asked for four Butterbeers. "Oh, bloody hell," Ron scoffed, as he tried to draw his eyes away from whatever made his face turn up in disgust. 

As I looked towards the corner, I noticed Dean and Ginny whispering and giggling with one another, as they both shared a Butterbeer. "Honestly, Ronald, they're only holding hands," Hermione put forth, and I just offered him a sly smirk. 

"Won't be long until that hand holding becomes something else," I teased, and he swiftly kicked me underneath the table. "Oww, you dick! I was only teasing," I whined, as I began to rub at my shin. 

As I looked back over, I quickly regained my smirk however, once I realized they were now making out. "What did I tell you?" I laughed, and the lot quickly turned their heads towards their table. 

"I'd like to leave," Ron confessed, and I couldn't help but scoff. He was always so dramatic. 

"What? You can't be serious," Hermione began, just as our drinks had arrived. "Ahhh, finally," I sighed, as I quickly grabbed one of the glasses, and began to chug the drink. "That happens to be my sister," he argued, and I just let out a sigh, annoyed that they were still on this topic. 

"So? What if she looked over here and saw you snogging me? Would you expect her to leave?" she asked, and I instantly began to choke on my drink. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. I tried to read his face from her comment, but he just seemed dazed and confused. 

Why were boys so clueless when it came to girls and their feelings?

All of a sudden, I noticed Harry beginning to wave over to someone, and I couldn't help but grow frustrated, once I realized it was Slughorn. "Ahh, Mr. Potter and Ms. Holloway," he began, and Harry quickly got up from his seat to shake his hand. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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