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Just to let everyone know, I'm not gonna use Sollux's text nor his accent. Idk why, just don't ask.

~Author Out!!~

Sollux's: POV






You started hearing those annoying be- wait am I fucking in a hospital?! I began to gain consciousness. My eyes felt so fucking heavy it feels like a million pounds. As I felt like my eye lids starting open, I look around, seeing I'm in a room. Left side were my heart rate beating. Right side Is.. HOLY MOTHERFUCK IT WAS FUCKING (Y/N). "(Y/N) YOU FUCKING SCARED ME." You said breathing heavily. You noticed that there was tears in her eyes.


Your POV

You cried to death. You were relieved he was awake. My god, you thought you were never gonna see him again. You started helding his hand, gripping it slightly. Your tears can't stop streaming, instead you putted your head down on his hospital bed, crying and wetting the sheets.

You also felt Sollux's hand rubbing your head and stroking your head. You began sitting up. "Don't you dare scare me like that!" You said in a yelling yet whisper tone.

"I'll never leave you..." He said.


Awww two love birds..

Sollux: *Glare*

Oh sorry I meant bee's hehehe...

~Author out!!~

Also sorry about short chapter!!

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