Awake and Alive

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Heyo guys!! Tbh this is like my most successful story in homestuck yet! And I'm pretty surprised no one is even reading it ;-; but anyway enjoy!!

~Author Out!!~


Third Person POV

Sollux was able to get out of the hospital now. You and Sollux signed out and headed to (Y/N)'s car. It was bright (F/C). As you and Sollux got in the car, you had your black and white beats headphones on. You listened to "Awake and Alive by Skillet."


If you didn't hear that song, that song is amazing yet catchy to me

Your POV

You began singing.

I'm awake, I'm alive

Now I know what I believe inside,

Now its my time, I'll do whatever I want cause this is my life,

Here (here)

Right now (right now)

Stand my ground but never back down,

I know what I believe inside, and now I'm awake, and I'm alive.

After that lyric you began hummig it instead. As you got home, you brought Sollux inside.


Sorry for changing POV's a lot. ;-;


Sollux's POV

She stopped singing, i wanted her yo sing more because she has a amaxingly beautiful voice.

There was a stop, and (Y/N) grabbed my hand. As you and (Y/N) inside, you realized that your stuff is here. "Okay so shall we continue our sleep over?" She said smiling. God damn her smile is like the best. You both cuddled a lot. Once it was 1:45 in the morning, you realizes that (Y/N) was asleep on your chest. You kissed (Y/N)'s forehead. "Night, my queen bee.."


He he sorry for changing POV's a lot. Anyway its 2:08 A.M and I'm pretty fucking damn tired. So nighty!!

~Author Out!!~

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