Chapter Thirteen

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I arrive in school early and make a bee-line for the pool where the team is waiting. My arrival prompts them to remove their jackets and sweatpants as I do so myself. Then, I pick up the chalk and write out the day's set. I shoo them into the water and they take to it like seals. I follow shortly after.

My strokes are rhythmic and measured as I slice through the water, pacing beside Jason until I get to the last lap and sprint, burning up the last of my reserves. With protesting arms, I haul myself out of the water and wait for the others. I cheer as the first handful gets out of the water to join me on the deck.

Once everyone is warm and dry, I pull out my list of the swimmers' names and their events and smile at the team.

"I've just been emailed a list of the participating teams and you will all be happy to know that Jefferson High is not participating in this competition."

The team cheers and I laugh, knowing how good the Jefferson High team is.

"Well, we are forming an alliance with North Shore High, so expect some new names in the group events." I hand out the copies of my list and leave the team to look through the events that they will be competing in.

Taylor follows me as I walk to the changing room, hoping to have a quick word.

"Ellie, I can't swim in the competition, my parents don't want me to continue since my back injury is becoming a concern."

I frown, "Any hope of re-joining if it gets better?"

"My next review is during the semi-finals of the competition."

"Well, I would love for you to mentor the swimmers and correct the strokes. Are you up for that?"

"Sure, I'd love to. Why don't we get Annie-Lauren to fill in for me? She needs the experience."

"Let's get our three new leaders to rotate. You can help them as well – teach them how to create those sets that leave everyone dead." I grin, towelling my hair dry.

"You got it, partner."

We fist-bump and Taylor goes back to the student lodge to change.


"Hey." Asher leans against the locker next to mine.

I reply with something similar as I take my almost empty haversack out. He snatches it away from me and slings it on.

"I'm coming with you." He states.

"What do you mean?"

"I got permission to spend the night out of the dorms, so I decided to tag along with you."

I shrug after a moment of thinking, "I suppose I can put you up in one of the guest rooms."

"Are your parents in?"


He smirks, "Perfect."

I smack his chest.

"I need to change." I say as we enter the house.

Mali comes rushing out, greeting us. I tell her to get Rina to make us lunch. Asher offers to help, but she waves him off, scampering back into the kitchen to help her friend.

I make Asher wait in the living room, handing him the remote before I go to my room.

After taking a quick shower, I put on a shirt and a pair of shorts, brushing my hair then going back downstairs.

We move to the dining room for the burgers that Mali has prepared. I smile, sinking my teeth into the succulent morsel. From the look on his face, Ash is enjoying it too. Smirking, I continue to eat my food.

Now that the exams are over, Asher and I are busy setting up the bubble tent on a free part of the backyard. William sits in one of the chaise lounges on the patio, reading the newspapers as he watches us in case we require his assistance.

Once there is enough air in the tent, I crawl inside to start working on the inflatable mattress. The annoying buzz of the pump comes out louder as the small tent magnifies the noise.

"You're stealing my air, Ellie!" Asher protests as the pump that he is using stops inflating the tent.

I just give him a sickly sweet smile and turn up the power on my pump. He does likewise and the tent begins to inflate again.

After dinner, I get Mali to turn on the lights in the backyard. Asher immediately heads for the trampoline that father had built into the ground. He leaps onto it and whoops as he does a neat flip. I stand with a hand holding onto my other wrist, watching him play.

He proceeds to grab my arms and pull me onto the trampoline, forcing me to jump. My laughter rings out as Asher wraps his arms around me and propels us into the air where he swings his leg around, making us do a few spins.

I land on my back, giggling hard. Ash is beside me, already trying to stand up. He puts on his slippers again and waits for me to adjust my sandals.

"Shall we try the zip line?" I suggest.

He nods and walks towards where the handlebars are tied to a tree trunk. I hold onto his neck as he navigates his way down the stairs with me in his arms bridal style.

"Ladies first?" He passes me the bars and I latch onto them.

With a step back, I launch myself off the hill and speed across the grass, ending up on the other side in no time. I take another ride back towards Asher who catches me as I approach, halting my journey.

He follows in my footsteps, losing his slippers on the way. I sprint to get them.

"Thank you, my dear." He puts them back on and secures the handlebars back onto the tree trunks.

He holds my hand as we retreat to the tent and I flick on the electric lamp inside. The dim glow highlights Asher's handsome features and my heart melts once more. He pulls me down beside him and we stare up through the clear plastic at the stars.

With the lamp off, they seem even more impressive. I shift my head, placing it on Asher's chest as I sigh. My hands fold and rest against my stomach, above Ash's warm arms.

"You know, I could do this forever." He kisses the top of my head.

I smile, "Yeah, me too."

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